Bonal D.png
BONAL Damien

BONAL Damien

Écophysiologie et Écologie à l’échelle de l’arbre et de l’écosystème

Bonal D.png

Né en 1970 à Chambéry (73), France
Marié, 2 enfants
(33) +3 83 39 73 43




  • 2010 « Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches »
  • 2000 Doctorat en Biologie Forestière- Université H. Poincaré – Nancy - France
  • 1994 Master of Science in Forest Resources - Clemson University - SC - USA
  • 1994 Diplôme d’ingénieur - ENITA Dijon – France


placette de 3 espèces mélangées en Finlande – FundivEurope projet

Activités scientifiques

  • Jan. 2024 : Directeur de Recherches 1ère classe - INRAE Grand-Est Nancy – UMR Silva
  • Jan. 2018 – Dec 2023 : Directeur de l’UMR Silva – DR1 - INRAE Grand-Est Nancy – UMR Silva
  • Jan. 2011 – Dec 2017 : Directeur de Recherches 2eme classe - INRA Nancy - UMR EEF
  • Sept. 2000 – Dec 2010 : Chargé de Recherches - INRA Kourou - UMR Ecofog
  • Déc. 1996 - Mars 2000 : Doctorat de Biologie Forestière - Université Nancy I. “Variabilité interspécifique de l'efficience d'utilisation de l'eau en forêt tropicale humide guyanaise : groupes fonctionnels - interprétation écophysiologique - intégration à l'échelle du couvert”

Domaine de compétences

  • Écologie Fonctionnelle des Arbres

Principaux domaines d'intérêt

  • Diversité fonctionnelle chez les espèces d’arbre tropicales et tempérées (photosynthèse, discrimination de 13C, efficience d'utilisation de l'eau, respiration, conductance stomatique)
  • Influence des conditions environnementales (sécheresse du sol, inondation) sur la croissance des espèces d'arbres et les échanges gazeux foliaires
  • Adaptation des espèces d'arbres aux contraintes environnementales dans les forêts mixtes
  • Utilisation des approches isotopiques stables (13C, 18O) pour étudier la variabilité inter et intraspécifique des traits fonctionnels des arbres
  • Influence des conditions environnementales sur les flux des écosystèmes (méthodologie de la covariance des turbulences)

Responsable scientifique (PI) du site de tour de flux « Guyaflux » en Guyane française

Vue de la tour Guyaflux
Mesures d'échange gazeux des feuilles dans la forêt tropicale en Guyane – 30 m haut









Publications récentes


  • Bennett A et al. 2023. Sensitivity of South American tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly. Nature Climate Change 13:967–974
  • Ziegler C, Levionnois S, Bonal D, Heuret P, Stahl C, Coste. 2023. Large leaf hydraulic safety margins limit the risk of drought-induced leaf hydraulic dysfunction in Neotropical rainforest canopy tree species. Functional Ecology 37:1717–173. 10.1111/1365-2435.14
  • Fortunel C, Stahl C, Coste S, Ziegler C, Derroire G, Levionnois S, Maréchaux I, Bonal D, Hérault B, Wagner FH, Sack L, Chave J, Heuret P, Jansen S, John G, Scoffoni C, Trueba S, & Bartlett MK. 2023. Thresholds for persistent leaf photochemical damage predict plant drought resilience in a tropical rainforest. New Phytologist 239:576–591 10.1111/nph.18973
  • Wang Y, Liu J, Wennberg PO, He L, Bonal D, Köhler P, Frankenberg C, Sitch S, Friedlingstein P. 2023. Elucidating climatic drivers of photosynthesis by tropical forests. Global Change Biology 29 4811-4825
  • Martin-Blangy S, Meredieu C, Jactel H, Bonal D, Charru M. 2023. Species-mixing effects on crown dimensions and canopy packing in a young pine–birch plantation are modulated by stand density and irrigation. European Journal of Forest Research 142 197–216.


  • Sousa TR, Schietti J, Ribeiro IO, Emílio T, Fernández RH, ter Steege H, Castilho CV, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Baker T, Pontes-Lopes A, Silva CVJ, Silveira JM, Derroire G, Castro W, Mendoza AM, Ruschel A, Prieto A, Lima AJN, Rudas A, . . . Costa FRC. 2022. Water table depth modulates productivity and biomass across Amazonian forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography,
  • Thomas A., Priault P. Bonal D., Piutti S., Marron N. 2022. Leaf and tree water-use efficiencies of Populus deltoides × P. nigra in mixed forest and agroforestry plantations. Tree Physiology, 42:2432–2445 10.1093/treephys/tpac094
  • Joetzjer E, Maignan F, Chave J, Goll D, Poulter B, Barichivich J, Maréchaux I, Luyssaert S, Guimberteau M, Naudts K, Bonal D, & Ciais P. 2022. Effect of tree demography and flexible root water uptake for modeling the carbon and water cycles of Amazonia. Ecological Modelling 469, 109969.
  • Schmitt S, Trueba S, Coste S, Ducouret É, Tysklind N, Heuertz M, Bonal D, Burban B, Hérault B, & Derroire G. 2022. Seasonal variation of leaf thickness: An overlooked component of functional trait variability. Plant Biology, 24(3), 458-463.


  • Poyatos R, et al. 2021. Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 2607–2649. 
  • Johnston, A, Meade, A, Ardo, J, Arriga, N, Black, A, Blanken, P, Bonal, D, Brummer, C, Cescatti, A, Dusek, J, Graf, A, Gioli, B, Goded Ballarin, I, Gough, C, Ikawa, H, Jassal, R, Kobayashi, H, Magliulo, E, Manca, G, Montagnani, L, Moyano, F, Olesen, J.E, Sachs, T, Shao, C, Tagesson, T, Wohlfahrt, G, Wolf, S, Woodgate, W, Varlagin, A. and Venditti, C, 2021. Temperature thresholds of ecosystem respiration at a global scale, Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2397-334X (online), 5: 487-494, JRC120935. 
  • Harper AB, Williams KE, et al. 2021. Improvement of modeling plant responses to low soil moisture in JULESvn4.9 and evaluation against flux tower measurements. Geoscientific Model Development 14, 6, 3269-3294. doi 10.5194/gmd-14-3269-2021. 
  • Famiglietti CA, Smallman TL, Levine PA, Flack-Prain S, Quetin GR, Meyer V, Parazoo NC, Stettz SG, Yang Y, Bonal D, Bloom AA, Williams M, Konings AG. 2021. Optimal model complexity for terrestrial carbon cycle prediction. BioGeoSciences 18, 8, 2727-2754. doi 10.5194/bg-18-2727-2021. 
  • Martin-Blangy S, Charru M, Gerard S, Jactel H, Jourdan M, Morin X, Bonal D. 2021. Mixing beech with fir or pubescent oak does not help mitigate drought exposure at the limit of its climatic range. Forest ecology & Management 482, 118840. doi 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118840      
  • Jacobs K, Bonal D, Collet C, Muys B, Ponette Q. 2021. Mixing increases drought exposure through a faster growth in beech, but not in oak. Forest Ecology & Management 479, 118593. doi10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118593. 
  • Migliavacca M, Musavi T, Mahecha M, et al. 2021. The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function. Nature 598, 468–472 - 10.1038/s41586-021-03939-9 
  • Yang X, Wu J, Chen X, Ciais P, Maignan F, Yuan W, Piao S, Yang S, Gong F, Su Y, Dai Y, Liu L, Zhang H, Bonal D, Liu H, Chen G, Lu H, Wu S, Fan L, Gentine P, Wright J. 2021. A comprehensive framework for seasonal controls of leaf abscission and productivity in evergreen broadleaved tropical and subtropical forests, The Innovation. Volume 2, Issue 4 
  • Esquivel-Muelbert A, Phillips O, Brienen R, Fauset S, Sullivan M, Baker T, Chao K-J, Feldpausch T, Gloor E, Higuchi N, Houwing-Duistermaat J, Lloyd J, Liu H, Malhi Y, Marimon B, Marimon Junior BH, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, Poorter L, Silveira M, Torre EV, Dávila EA, del Aguila Pasquel J, Almeida E, Loayza PA, Andrade A, Aragão L, Araujo-Murakami A, Arets E, Arroyo L, Aymard C. G, Baisie M, Baraloto C, Camargo PB, Barroso J, Blanc L, Bonal D, Bongers F, et al. Nature Communications 11. [https://doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18996-3]https://doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18996-3 
  • Levionnois S, Ziegler C, Heuret P, Jansen S, Stahl C, Calvet E, Goret JY,· Bonal D, Coste S. 2021. Is vulnerability segmentation at the leaf‑stem transition a drought resistance mechanism? A theoretical test with a trait‑based model for Neotropical canopy tree species. Annals of Forest Science, 78-87 
  •, Cecilia Blundo, et al. 2021. Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots. Biological Conservation 260
  • De Guzman ME, Acosta-Rangel A, Winter K, Meinzer FC, Bonal D, Santiago LS. 2021. Hydraulic traits of Neotropical canopy liana and tree species across a broad range of wood density: implications for predicting drought mortality with models. Tree Physiology 41:24-34. 
  • Meunier F, Verbeeck H, Cowdery B, Schnitzer SA, Smith-Martin CM, Powers J, Xu X, Slot M, De Deurwaerder HPT, Detto M, Bonal D, Longo M, Santiago LS, Dietze M. 2021. Unraveling the relative role of light and water competition between lianas and trees in tropical forests. Journal of Ecology, 109:519-540. doi:


  • Sullivan MJP, Lewis SL, et al. 2020. Long-term thermal sensitivity of Earth’s tropical forests. Science 368:869-874.
  • Fruleux A., Bogeat-Triboulot MB., Collet C., Bonal D. 2020. Lack of effect of admixture proportion and tree density on water acquisition depth for European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). Annals of Forest Science 70:36.
  • Song R, Muller J-P, Kharbouche S, Yin F, Woodgate W, Kitchen M, Roland M, Arriga N, Meyer W, Koerber G, Bonal D, Burban B, Knohl A, Siebicke L, Buysse P, Loubet B, Leonardo M, Lerebourg C, Gobron N. 2020. Validation of space-based albedo products from upscaled tower-based measurements over heterogeneous and homogeneous landscapes. Remote Sensing 12:833
  • Croft H, Chen JM, Wang R, Mo G, Luo S, Luo X, He L, Gonsamo A, Arabian J, Zhang Y, Simic-Milas A, Noland TL, He Y, Homolová L, Malenovský Z, Yi Q, Beringer J, Amiri R, Hutley L, Arellano P, Stahl C, Bonal D. 2020. The global distribution of leaf chlorophyll content. Remote Sensing of Environment 236:111479. doi:
  • Nelson JA, Pérez-Priego O, Zhou S, Poyatos R, Zhang Y, Blanken PD, Gimeno TE, Wohlfahrt G, Desai AR, Gioli B, Limousin J-M, Bonal D, Paul-Limoges E, Scott RL, Varlagin A, Fuchs K, Montagnani L, Wolf S, Delpierre N, Berveiller D, Gharun M, Belelli Marchesini L, Gianelle D, Šigut L, Mammarella I, Siebicke L, Andrew Black T, Knohl A, Hörtnagl L, Magliulo V, Besnard S, Weber U, Carvalhais N, Migliavacca M, Reichstein M, Jung M. 2020. Ecosystem transpiration and evaporation: Insights from three water flux partitioning methods across FLUXNET sites. Global Change Biology 26:6916-6930.
  • Solander KC, Newman BD, Carioca de Araujo A, Barnard HR, Berry ZC, Bonal D, Bretfeld M, Burban B, Antonio Candido L, Célleri R, Chambers JQ, Christoffersen BO, Detto M, Dorigo WA, Ewers BE, José Filgueiras Ferreira S, Knohl A, Leung LR, McDowell NG, Miller GR, Terezinha Ferreira Monteiro M, Moore GW, Negron-Juarez R, Saleska SR, Stiegler C, Tomasella J, Xu C. 2020. The pantropical response of soil moisture to El Niño. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 24:2303–2322,
  • Esquivel-Muelbert A, et al. 2020. Tree mode of death and mortality risk factors across Amazon forests. Nature Communications 11. https://doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18996-3
  • Sarkar C, Turnipseed A, Shertz S, Karl T, Kaser L, Potasnak M, Bai J, Serca D, Bonal D, Burban B, Corain P, Vega O, Guenther AB. 2020. A portable, low-cost Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA) system for quantifying ecosystem-level fluxes of volatile organics. Atmospheric Environment 242:117764.
  • Pastorello G et al. 2020. The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data. Scientific Data 7:225.
  • Longo M, Saatchi S, Keller M, Bowman K, Ferraz A, Moorcroft PR, Morton DC, Bonal D, Brando P, Burban B, Derroire G, dos-Santos MN, Meyer V, Saleska S, Trumbore S, Vincent G (2020) Impacts of degradation on water, energy, and carbon cycling of the Amazon tropical forests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences n/a:e2020JG005677.
  • Muscarella R et al. 2020. The global abundance of tree palms. Global Ecology and Biogeography.

Toutes les publications

Date de modification : 12 février 2024 | Date de création : 03 août 2023 | Rédaction : Damien BONAL