BONAL Damien

BONAL Damien

Publications depuis 1997


  • Sousa TR, Schietti J, Ribeiro IO, Emílio T, Fernández RH, ter Steege H, Castilho CV, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Baker T, Pontes-Lopes A, Silva CVJ, Silveira JM, Derroire G, Castro W, Mendoza AM, Ruschel A, Prieto A, Lima AJN, Rudas A, . . . Costa FRC. 2022. Water table depth modulates productivity and biomass across Amazonian forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography,
  • Thomas A., Priault P. Bonal D., Piutti S., Marron N. 2022. Leaf and tree water-use efficiencies of Populus deltoides × P. nigra in mixed forest and agroforestry plantations. Tree Physiology, in press
  • Joetzjer E, Maignan F, Chave J, Goll D, Poulter B, Barichivich J, Maréchaux I, Luyssaert S, Guimberteau M, Naudts K, Bonal D, & Ciais P. 2022. Effect of tree demography and flexible root water uptake for modeling the carbon and water cycles of Amazonia. Ecological Modelling 469, 109969.
  • Schmitt S, Trueba S, Coste S, Ducouret É, Tysklind N, Heuertz M, Bonal D, Burban B, Hérault B, & Derroire G. 2022. Seasonal variation of leaf thickness: An overlooked component of functional trait variability. Plant Biology, 24(3), 458-463.


  • Poyatos R, et al. 2021. Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 2607–2649. 
  • Johnston, A, Meade, A, Ardo, J, Arriga, N, Black, A, Blanken, P, Bonal, D, Brummer, C, Cescatti, A, Dusek, J, Graf, A, Gioli, B, Goded Ballarin, I, Gough, C, Ikawa, H, Jassal, R, Kobayashi, H, Magliulo, E, Manca, G, Montagnani, L, Moyano, F, Olesen, J.E, Sachs, T, Shao, C, Tagesson, T, Wohlfahrt, G, Wolf, S, Woodgate, W, Varlagin, A. and Venditti, C, 2021. Temperature thresholds of ecosystem respiration at a global scale, Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2397-334X (online), 5: 487-494, JRC120935. 
  • Harper AB, Williams KE, et al. 2021. Improvement of modeling plant responses to low soil moisture in JULESvn4.9 and evaluation against flux tower measurements. Geoscientific Model Development 14, 6, 3269-3294. doi 10.5194/gmd-14-3269-2021. 
  • Famiglietti CA, Smallman TL, Levine PA, Flack-Prain S, Quetin GR, Meyer V, Parazoo NC, Stettz SG, Yang Y, Bonal D, Bloom AA, Williams M, Konings AG. 2021. Optimal model complexity for terrestrial carbon cycle prediction. BioGeoSciences 18, 8, 2727-2754. doi 10.5194/bg-18-2727-2021. 
  • Martin-Blangy S, Charru M, Gerard S, Jactel H, Jourdan M, Morin X, Bonal D. 2021. Mixing beech with fir or pubescent oak does not help mitigate drought exposure at the limit of its climatic range. Forest ecology & Management 482, 118840. doi 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118840      
  • Jacobs K, Bonal D, Collet C, Muys B, Ponette Q. 2021. Mixing increases drought exposure through a faster growth in beech, but not in oak. Forest Ecology & Management 479, 118593. doi10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118593. 
  • Migliavacca M, Musavi T, Mahecha M, et al. 2021. The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function. Nature 598, 468–472 - 10.1038/s41586-021-03939-9 
  • Yang X, Wu J, Chen X, Ciais P, Maignan F, Yuan W, Piao S, Yang S, Gong F, Su Y, Dai Y, Liu L, Zhang H, Bonal D, Liu H, Chen G, Lu H, Wu S, Fan L, Gentine P, Wright J. 2021. A comprehensive framework for seasonal controls of leaf abscission and productivity in evergreen broadleaved tropical and subtropical forests, The Innovation. Volume 2, Issue 4 
  • Esquivel-Muelbert A, Phillips O, Brienen R, Fauset S, Sullivan M, Baker T, Chao K-J, Feldpausch T, Gloor E, Higuchi N, Houwing-Duistermaat J, Lloyd J, Liu H, Malhi Y, Marimon B, Marimon Junior BH, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, Poorter L, Silveira M, Torre EV, Dávila EA, del Aguila Pasquel J, Almeida E, Loayza PA, Andrade A, Aragão L, Araujo-Murakami A, Arets E, Arroyo L, Aymard C. G, Baisie M, Baraloto C, Camargo PB, Barroso J, Blanc L, Bonal D, Bongers F, et al. Nature Communications 11. [https://doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18996-3]https://doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18996-3 
  • Levionnois S, Ziegler C, Heuret P, Jansen S, Stahl C, Calvet E, Goret JY,· Bonal D, Coste S. 2021. Is vulnerability segmentation at the leaf‑stem transition a drought resistance mechanism? A theoretical test with a trait‑based model for Neotropical canopy tree species. Annals of Forest Science, 78-87 
  •, Cecilia Blundo, et al. 2021. Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots. Biological Conservation 260
  • De Guzman ME, Acosta-Rangel A, Winter K, Meinzer FC, Bonal D, Santiago LS. 2021. Hydraulic traits of Neotropical canopy liana and tree species across a broad range of wood density: implications for predicting drought mortality with models. Tree Physiology 41:24-34. 
  • Meunier F, Verbeeck H, Cowdery B, Schnitzer SA, Smith-Martin CM, Powers J, Xu X, Slot M, De Deurwaerder HPT, Detto M, Bonal D, Longo M, Santiago LS, Dietze M. 2021. Unraveling the relative role of light and water competition between lianas and trees in tropical forests. Journal of Ecology, 109:519-540. doi:


  • Sullivan MJP, Lewis SL, et al. 2020. Long-term thermal sensitivity of Earth’s tropical forests. Science 368:869-874.
  • Fruleux A., Bogeat-Triboulot MB., Collet C., Bonal D. 2020. Lack of effect of admixture proportion and tree density on water acquisition depth for European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). Annals of Forest Science 70:36.
  • Song R, Muller J-P, Kharbouche S, Yin F, Woodgate W, Kitchen M, Roland M, Arriga N, Meyer W, Koerber G, Bonal D, Burban B, Knohl A, Siebicke L, Buysse P, Loubet B, Leonardo M, Lerebourg C, Gobron N. 2020. Validation of space-based albedo products from upscaled tower-based measurements over heterogeneous and homogeneous landscapes. Remote Sensing 12:833
  • Croft H, Chen JM, Wang R, Mo G, Luo S, Luo X, He L, Gonsamo A, Arabian J, Zhang Y, Simic-Milas A, Noland TL, He Y, Homolová L, Malenovský Z, Yi Q, Beringer J, Amiri R, Hutley L, Arellano P, Stahl C, Bonal D. 2020. The global distribution of leaf chlorophyll content. Remote Sensing of Environment 236:111479. doi:
  • Nelson JA, Pérez-Priego O, Zhou S, Poyatos R, Zhang Y, Blanken PD, Gimeno TE, Wohlfahrt G, Desai AR, Gioli B, Limousin J-M, Bonal D, Paul-Limoges E, Scott RL, Varlagin A, Fuchs K, Montagnani L, Wolf S, Delpierre N, Berveiller D, Gharun M, Belelli Marchesini L, Gianelle D, Šigut L, Mammarella I, Siebicke L, Andrew Black T, Knohl A, Hörtnagl L, Magliulo V, Besnard S, Weber U, Carvalhais N, Migliavacca M, Reichstein M, Jung M. 2020. Ecosystem transpiration and evaporation: Insights from three water flux partitioning methods across FLUXNET sites. Global Change Biology 26:6916-6930.
  • Solander KC, Newman BD, Carioca de Araujo A, Barnard HR, Berry ZC, Bonal D, Bretfeld M, Burban B, Antonio Candido L, Célleri R, Chambers JQ, Christoffersen BO, Detto M, Dorigo WA, Ewers BE, José Filgueiras Ferreira S, Knohl A, Leung LR, McDowell NG, Miller GR, Terezinha Ferreira Monteiro M, Moore GW, Negron-Juarez R, Saleska SR, Stiegler C, Tomasella J, Xu C. 2020. The pantropical response of soil moisture to El Niño. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 24:2303–2322,
  • Esquivel-Muelbert A, et al. 2020. Tree mode of death and mortality risk factors across Amazon forests. Nature Communications 11. https://doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18996-3
  • Sarkar C, Turnipseed A, Shertz S, Karl T, Kaser L, Potasnak M, Bai J, Serca D, Bonal D, Burban B, Corain P, Vega O, Guenther AB. 2020. A portable, low-cost Relaxed Eddy Accumulation (REA) system for quantifying ecosystem-level fluxes of volatile organics. Atmospheric Environment 242:117764.
  • Pastorello G et al. 2020. The FLUXNET2015 dataset and the ONEFlux processing pipeline for eddy covariance data. Scientific Data 7:225.
  • Longo M, Saatchi S, Keller M, Bowman K, Ferraz A, Moorcroft PR, Morton DC, Bonal D, Brando P, Burban B, Derroire G, dos-Santos MN, Meyer V, Saleska S, Trumbore S, Vincent G (2020) Impacts of degradation on water, energy, and carbon cycling of the Amazon tropical forests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences n/a:e2020JG005677.
  • Muscarella R et al. 2020. The global abundance of tree palms. Global Ecology and Biogeography.


  • de Streel G, Collet C, Barbeito I, Bielak K, Bravo-Oviedo A, Brazaitis G, Coll L, Drössler L, Forrester DI, Heym M, Löf M, Pach M, Pretzsch H, Ruiz-Peinado M, Skrzyszewski J, Stankevičiūtė J, Svoboda M, Verheyen K, Zlatanov T, Bonal D, Ponette Q. 2019. Contrasting patterns of tree species mixture effects on wood δ13C along an environmental gradient. European Journal of Forest Research, 10.1007/s10342-019-01224-z
  • Ziegler C, Coste S, Stahl C, Delzon S, Levionnois S, Cazal J, Cochard H, Esquivel-Muelbert A, Goret JY, Heuret P, Jaouen G, Santiago LS, Bonal D. 2019 Large hydraulic safety margins protect Neotropical canopy rainforest tree species against hydraulic failure during drought. Annals of Forest Science, 76:115.
  • Brugnera M di P, Meunier F, Longo M, Moorthy S, De Deurwaerder H, Schnitzer SA, Bonal D, Faybishenko B, Verbeeck H. 2019. Modelling the impact of liana infestation on the demography and carbon cycle of tropical forests. Global Change Biology 25:3767–3780. 10.1111/gcb.14769
  • Grossiord G, Christoffersen B, Alonso‑Rodríguez  AM, Anderson‑Teixeira K, Asbjornsen H, Aparecido LMT, Carter Berry Z, Baraloto C, Bonal D, Borrego I, Burban B, Chambers JQ, Christianson DS, Detto M, Faybishenko B, Fontes  CG, Fortunel C, Gimenez BO, Jardine KJ, Kueppers L, Miller GR, Moore GW, Negron‑Juarez R, Stahl C, Swenson NG, Trotsiuk V, Varadharajan C, Warren JW, Wolfe BT, Wei L, Wood TE, Xu C, McDowell NG. 2019. Precipitation mediates sap flux sensitivity to evaporative demand in the neotropics. Oecologia.
  • Longo M, Knox RG, Levine NM, Swann ALS, Medvigy DM, Dietze MC, Kim Y, Zhang K, Bonal D, Burban B, Camargo PB, Hayek MN, Saleska SR, da Silva R, Bras RL, Wofsy SC, Moorcroft PR. 2019. The biophysics, ecology, and biogeochemistry of functionally diverse, vertically and horizontally heterogeneous ecosystems: the Ecosystem Demography model, version 22 – Part 2: Model evaluation for tropical South America. Geoscientific Model Development, 12:4347–4374,
  • Grossiord C, Sevanto S, Bonal D, Borrego I, Dawson TE, Ryan M, Wang WZ, McDowell NG. 2019. Prolonged warming and drought modify belowground interactions for water among coexisting plants. Tree Physiology 39: 55-63. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpy080
  • Aguilos M, Stahl C, Burban B, Hérault B, Courtois E, Coste S, Wagner F, Ziegler C, Takagi K, Bonal D. 2019. Interannual and Seasonal Variations in Ecosystem Transpiration and Water Use Efficiency in a Tropical Rainforest. Forests 10:14. doi: doi:10.3390/f10010014
  • Baeten L, Bruelheide H, van der Plas F, Kambach S, Ratcliffe S, Jucker T, Allan E, Ampoorter E, Barbaro L, Bastias CC, Bauhus J, Benavides R, Bonal D, Bouriaud O, Bussotti F, Carnol M, Castagneyrol B, Charbonnier Y, Chećko E, Coomes DA, Dahlgren J, Dawud SM, De Wandeler H, Domisch T, Finér L, Fischer M, Fotelli M, Gessler A, Grossiord C, Guyot V, Hättenschwiler S, Jactel H, Jaroszewicz B, Joly F-X, Koricheva J, Lehtonen A, Müller S, Muys B, Nguyen D, Pollastrini M, Radoglou K, Raulund-Rasmussen K, Ruiz-Benito P, Selvi F, Stenlid J, Valladares F, Vesterdal L, Verheyen K, Wirth C, Zavala MA, Scherer-Lorenzen M. 2019. Identifying the tree species compositions that maximize ecosystem functioning in European forests. Journal of Applied Ecology 56:733-744. doi: doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13308.
  • Esquivel-Muelbert A, Baker TR, Dexter KG, Lewis SL, Brienen RJW, Feldpausch TR, Lloyd J, Monteagudo-Mendoza A, Arroyo L, Álvarez-Dávila E, Higuchi N, Marimon BS, Marimon-Junior BH, Silveira M, Vilanova E, Gloor E, Malhi Y, Chave J, Barlow J, Bonal D, Davila Cardozo N, Erwin T, Fauset S, Hérault B, Laurance S, Poorter L, Qie L, Stahl C, Sullivan MJP, ter Steege H, Vos VA, Zuidema PA, Almeida E, Almeida de Oliveira E, Andrade A, Vieira SA, Aragão L, Araujo-Murakami A, Arets E, Aymard C GA, Baraloto C, Camargo PB, Barroso JG, Bongers F, Boot R, Camargo JL, Castro W, Chama Moscoso V, Comiskey J, Cornejo Valverde F, Lola da Costa AC, del Aguila Pasquel J, Di Fiore A, Fernanda Duque L, Elias F, Engel J, Flores Llampazo G, Galbraith D, Herrera Fernández R, Honorio Coronado E, Hubau W, Jimenez-Rojas E, Lima AJN, Umetsu RK, Laurance W, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Lovejoy T, Aurelio Melo Cruz O, Morandi PS, Neill D, Núñez Vargas P, Pallqui Camacho NC, Parada Gutierrez A, Pardo G, Peacock J, Peña-Claros M, Peñuela-Mora MC, Petronelli P, Pickavance GC, Pitman N, Prieto A, Quesada C, Ramírez-Angulo H, Réjou-Méchain M, Restrepo Correa Z, Roopsind A, Rudas A, Salomão R, Silva N, Silva Espejo J, Singh J, Stropp J, Terborgh J, Thomas R, Toledo M, Torres-Lezama A, Valenzuela Gamarra L, van de Meer PJ, van der Heijden G, van der Hout P, Vasquez Martinez R, Vela C, Vieira ICG, Phillips OL 2019. Compositional response of Amazon forests to climate change. Global Change Biology 25:39-56. doi: doi:10.1111/gcb.14413


  • Hayek MN, Wehr R, Longo M, Hutyra LR, Wiedemann K, Munger JW, Bonal D, Saleska SR, Fitzjarrald DR, Wofsy SC. 2018. A novel correction for biases in forest eddy covariance carbon balance. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 250-251:90-101. doi:
  • Fruleux, A., Bogeat-Triboulot, M. B., Collet, C., Deveau, A., Saint-André, L., Santenoise, P., Bonal, D. 2018. Aboveground overyielding in a mixed temperate forest is not explained by belowground processes. Oecologia.
  • Maréchaux I., Bonal D., Bartlett MK., Burban B., Coste S., Courtois EA., Dulormne M., Goret J-Y., Mira E., Mirabel A., Sack L., Stahl C., Chave J. 2018. Dry-season decline in tree sapflux is correlated with leaf turgor loss point in a tropical rainforest. Functional Ecology, 32: 2285–2297
  • Fu Z, Gerken T, Bromley G, Araújo A, Bonal D, Burban B, Ficklin D, Fuentes JD, Goulden M, Hirano T, Kosugi Y, Liddell M, Nicolini G, Niu S, Roupsard O, Stefani P, Mi C, Tofte Z, Xiao J, Valentini R, Wolf S, Stoy PC. 2018. Net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange in tropical rainforests: Sensitivity to environmental drivers and flux measurement methodology. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 263: 292-307. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.09.001.
  • De Deurwaerder H., Herve-Fernandez P., Stahl C., Burban B., Petronelli P., Hoffman B., Bonal D., Boeckx P., Verbeeck H. 2018. Liana and tree below-ground water competition-evidence for water resource partitioning during the dry season. Tree Physiology 38:1071-1083. doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpy002
  • Früchtenicht E., Neumann L., Klein N., Bonal D., Brüggemann W. 2018. Response of Quercus robur and two potential climate change winners—Quercus pubescens and Quercus ilex - To two years summer drought in a semi-controlled competition study: I—Tree water status. Environmental and Experimental Botany 152:107-117. doi:
  • Longo M., Knox RG., Levine NM., Alves LF., Bonal D., Camargo PB., Fitzjarrald DR., Hayek MN., Restrepo-Coupe N., Saleska SR., Silva R., Stark SC., Tapajós RP., Wiedemann KT., Zhang K., Wofsy SC., Moorcroft PR. 2018. Ecosystem heterogeneity and diversity mitigate Amazon forest resilience to frequent extreme droughts. New Phytologist 219:914-931. doi: doi:10.1111/nph.15185
  • Fontaine S., Stahl C., Klumpp K., Picon-Cochard C., Grise MM., Dezécache C., Ponchant L., Freycon V., Blanc L., Bonal D., Burban B., Soussana JF., Blanfort V., Alvarez G. 2018. Response to Editor to the comment by Schipper & Smith to our paper entitled "Continuous soil carbon storage of old permanent pastures in Amazonia. Global Change Biology 24(3):e732-e733. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14028
  • Forner A, Valladares F, Bonal D, Granier A, Grossiord C, Aranda I 2018. Extreme droughts affecting Mediterranean tree species’ growth and water-use efficiency: the importance of timing. Tree Physiology 38:1127–1137 doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpy022
  • Santiago LS., De Guzman ME., Baraloto C., Vogenberg JE., Brodie M., Hérault B., Fortunel C., Bonal D. 2018. Coordination and trade-offs among hydraulic safety, efficiency and drought avoidance traits in Amazonian rainforest canopy tree species. New Phytologist, 218:1015–1024 doi: 10.1111/nph.15058
  • Van der Plas F. et al. 2018. Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealised potential for forest multifunctionality. Ecology Letters 10.1111/ele.12868:n/a-n/a. doi: 10.1111/ele.12868
  • Aguilos M., Hérault B., Burban B., Wagner F., Bonal D. 2018. What drives long-term variations in carbon flux and balance in a tropical rainforest in French Guiana? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 253–254:114-123


  • Yan H., Wang S.-Q., da Rocha H.R., Rap A., Bonal D., Butt N., Coupe N.R., Shugart H.H. 2017. Simulation of the Unexpected Photosynthetic Seasonality in Amazonian Evergreen Forests by Using an Improved Diffuse Fraction-Based Light Use Efficiency Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122, 2017JG004008
  • Jucker T., Grossiord C., Bonal D., Bouriaud O., Gessler A., Coomes DA. 2017. Detecting the fingerprint of drought across Europe’s forests: do carbon isotope ratios and stem growth rates tell similar stories? Forest Ecosystems 4:24
  • Jactel H., Bauhus J., Boberg J., Bonal D., Castagneyrol B., Gardiner B., Gonzalez-Olabarria J., Koricheva J., Meurisse N., Brockerhoff EG. 2017. Tree Diversity Drives Forest Stand Resistance to Natural Disturbances. Current Forestry Reports 3(3), 223-243. Doi: 10.1007/s40725-017-0064-1.
  • Ratcliffe S. et al. 2017. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relations in European forests depend on environmental context. Ecology Letters 20(11):1414-1426
  • Bonal D., Pau M., Toigo M., Granier A., Perot T. 2017. Mixing oak and pine trees does not improve the functional response to severe drought in central French forests. Annals of Forest Science 74. doi: 10.1007/s13595-017-0671-9.
  • Lin H., Chen Y., Song Q., Fu P., Cleverly J., Magliulo V., Law BE., Gough CM., Hörtnagl L., Di Gennaro F., Matteucci G., Montagnani L., Duce P., Shao C., Kato T., Bonal D., Paul-Limoges E., Beringer J., Fan Z. 2017. Quantifying deforestation and forest degradation with thermal response. Science of the Total Environment, 607: 1286-1292
  • Nickmans H., Collet C., Bonal D., Verheyen K., Ponette Q. 2017. Tree size and local neighborhood affect foliar nutrient content in a young forest plantation of beech (Fagus sylvatica) and maple (Acer pseudoplatanus). Forest Ecology and Management 400:159-172. doi:
  • Castagneyrol B., Bonal D., Damien M., Jactel H., Meredieu C., Muiruri EW., Barbaro L. 2017. Bottom-up and top-down effects of tree species diversity on leaf insect herbivory. Ecology and Evolution 7:3520-3531
  • Pollastrini M, Nogales A, Benavides R, Bonal D, Finer L, Fotelli M, Gessler A, Grossiord C, Radoglou K, Strasser R, Bussotti F. 2017. Tree diversity affects chlorophyll a fluorescence and other leaf traits of tree species in a boreal forest. Tree Physiology 37:199-208
  • Bréchet L., Le Dantec V., Ponton S., Goret JY., Sayer E., Bonal D., Freycon V., Roy J., Epron D. 2017. Short- and long-term influence of litter quality and quantity on simulated heterotrophic soil respiration in a lowland tropical forest. Ecosystems 20:1190-1204
  • Sullivan MJP. Et al. 2017. Diversity and carbon storage across the tropical forest biome. Scientific Reports 7:39102. doi: 10.1038/srep39102
  • Stahl C, Fontaine S, Klumpp K, Picon-Cochard C, Grise MM, Dezécache C, Ponchant L, Freycon V, Blanc L, Bonal D, Burban B, Soussana J-F, Blanfort V. 2017. Continuous soil carbon storage of old permanent pastures in Amazonia. Global Change Biology 23:3382-3392.


  • Coelho de Souza F. et al. 2016. Evolutionary heritage influences Amazon tree ecology. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2016.1587
  • Feldpausch TR. Et al. 2016. Amazon forest response to repeated droughts. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 30:2015GB005133. doi: 10.1002/2015GB005133
  • Forrester DI, Bonal D., Dawud S., Gessler A., Granier A., Pollastrini M., Grossiord C. 2016. Drought responses by individual tree species are not often correlated with tree species diversity in European forests. Journal of Applied Ecology, in press
  • Fruleux A., Bonal D., Bogeat-Triboulot MB. 2016. Interactive effects of competition and water availability on above- and below-ground growth and functional traits of European beech at juvenile level. Forest Ecology and Management 382:21-30
  • Johnson MO, Galbraith D, Gloor M, et al. (2016) Variation in stem mortality rates determines patterns of above-ground biomass in Amazonian forests: implications for dynamic global vegetation models. Global Change Biology, in press
  • Rowland L., Zaragoza-Castells J., Bloomfield K., Turnbull M., Bonal D., Burban B., Salinas N., Cosio E., Metcalfe D., Ford A., Phillips O., Atkin O., Meir P. 2016. Scaling leaf respiration with nitrogen and phosphorus in tropical forests across two continents. New Phytologist in press
  • Balzarolo M, Vicca S, Nguy-Robertson AL, Bonal D, Elbers JA, Fu YH, Grünwald T, Horemans JA, Papale D, Peñuelas J, Suyker A, Veroustraete F. 2016. Matching the phenology of net ecosystem exchange and vegetation indices estimated with MODIS and FLUXNET in-situ observations. Remote Sensing of Environment 174:290-300.
  • Wagner F., Hérault B., Bonal D., Stahl C., et al. 2016. Climate seasonality limits leaf carbon assimilation and wood productivity in tropical forests. BioGeosciences 13, 2537-2562.
  • Santiago SL., Bonal D., De Guzman ME., Ávila-Lovera E. 2016. Drought Survival Strategies of Tropical Trees. In Tropical Tree Physiology: Adaptations and Responses in a Changing Environment. Ed. Goldstein G. & Santiago LS. Springer. pp. 243-260.
  • Van Der Plas F. Manning P., Allan E., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Verheyen K., Wirth C., Zavala M.A., Hector A., Ampoorter E., Baeten L., Barbaro L., Bauhus J., Benavides R., Benneter A., Berthold F., Bonal D., Bouriaud O., Bruelheide H., et al. 2016. ‘Jack-of-all-trades’ effects drive biodiversity-ecosystem multifunctionality relationships in European forests. Nature Communications 7, 11109, doi:10.1038/ncomms11109.
  • Van Der Plas F., Manning P., Soliveres S., Allan E., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Verheyen K., Wirth C., Zavala M.A., Ampoorter E., Baeten L., Barbaro L., Bauhus J., Benavides R., Benneter A., Bonal D., Bouriaud O., Bruelheide H., Bussotti F., et al. 2016. Both biotic homogenization and local species loss can decrease landscape-scale forest multifunctionality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 113: 3557–3562.
  • Zhou Y. Wu X., Ju W., Chen J.M., Wang S., Wang H., Wenping Yuan Q., Black A., Jassal R., Ibrom A., Han S., Yan J., Margolis H., Roupsard O., Li Y., Zhao F., Kiely G., Starr G., Pavelka M., Montagnani L., Wohlfahrt G., D’Odorico P., Cook D., Arain M.A., Bonal D. , Beringer J., Blanken P., Loubet B., Leclerc M., Matteucci G., Nagy Z., Olejnik J ., Kyaw Paw U., Varlagin A. 2016. Global parameterization and validation of a two-leaf light use efficiency model for predicting gross primary production across FLUXNET sites. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1002/2014JG002876
  • Bonal D., Burban B., Stahl C., Wagner F., Hérault B. 2016. The response of tropical rainforests to drought—lessons from recent research and future prospects. Annals of Forest Science, 73:27-44
  • Pollastrini M., Feducci M. Bonal D., Fotelli M., Gessler A., Grossiord C., Guyot V., Jactel H., Nguyen D., Radoglou K., Bussotti F. 2016. Physiological significance of forest tree defoliation: results from a survey in a mixed forest in Tuscany (central Italy). Forest Ecology and Management 361:170-178.


  • Verma M, Friedl MA, Law BE, Bonal D., Kiely G, Black TA, Wohlfahrt G, Moors EJ, Montagnani L, Marcolla B, Toscano P, Varlagin A, Roupsard O, Cescatti A, Arain MA, D’Odorico P (2015) Improving the performance of remote sensing models for capturing intra- and inter-annual variations in daily GPP: An analysis using global FLUXNET tower data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 214–215:416-429
  • Honorio Coronado EN., Dexter KG., Pennington RT., Chave J., Lewis SL., Alexiades MN., Alvarez E., Alves de Oliveira A., Amaral IL., Araujo-Murakami A., Arets EJMM., Aymard GA., Baraloto C., Bonal D., Brienen R., Cerón C., et al. 2015. Phylogenetic diversity of Amazonian tree communities. Diversity and Distributions 21:1295-1307.
  • Molina L., Broquet G., Imbach P., Chevallier P., Poulter B., Bonal D., Burban B., Ramonet M., Gatti LV., Wofsy SC., Munger JW., Dlugokencky E., Ciais P. 2015. On the ability of a global atmospheric inversion to constrain variations of CO2 fluxes over Amazonia. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15:8423-8438.
  • Rap A., Spracklen DV., Mercado L., Reddington CL., Haywood JM., Ellis RJ., Phillips OL., Artaxo P., Bonal D., Restrepo Coupe N., Butt N. 2015. Fires increase Amazon forest productivity through increases in diffuse radiation. Geophysical Research Letter 42:4651-4662.
  • Joetzjer E., Delire C., Douville H., Ciais P., Decharme B., Carrer D., Verbeeck H., De Weirdt M., Bonal D. 2015. Improving the ISBACC land surface model simulation of water and carbon fluxes and stocks over the Amazon forest. Geoscientific Model Development 8:1709–1727
  • Fauset S., Johnson MO., Gloor M., Baker TR., Monteagudo AM., Brienen RJW, Feldpausch TR, Lopez-Gonzalez G., Malhi Y., ter Steege H., Pitman NCA., Baraloto C., Engel J., Pétronelli P., Andrade A., Camargo JLC., Laurance SGW., Laurance WL., Chave J., Allie E., Núñez Vargas P., Terborgh JJ., Ruokolainen K., Silveira M., Aymard GA., Arroyo L., Bonal D., Ramirez-Angulo H., et al. 2015. Hyperdominance in Amazonian forest carbon cycling. Nature Communications 6: 6857, doi:10.1038/ncomms7857.
  • Xia J., Niu S., Luo Y., Ciais P., Janssens I., Chen J., Ammann C., Arain A., Blanken PD., Cescatti A., Bonal D., Buchmann N., Curtis PS., et al. 2015. Joint control of terrestrial gross primary productivity by plant phenology and physiology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 112: 2788–2793.
  • Atkin O., Bloomfield K., Reich PB., Tjoelker M., Asner G., Bonal D., Bönisch G., Bradford M., Cernusak L., et al. 2015. Global variability in leaf respiration among plant functional types in relation to climate and leaf traits. New Phytologist 206: 616-636.
  • Brienen RJW., Phillips OL., Feldpausch TR., Gloor E., Baker TR., Lloyd J., Lopez-Gonzalez G., Monteagudo-Mendoza A., Malhi Y., Lewis SL., Vásquez Martinez R., Alexiades M., Álvarez Dávila E., Alvarez-Loayza P., Andrade A., Aragão LEOC., Araujo-Murakami A., Arets EJMM., Arroyo L., Aymard GA., Baraloto C., Barroso J., Bonal D., Boot RGA., Camargo JL., et al. 2015. Long-term decline of the Amazon carbon sink. Nature 519: 344-348
  • Grossiord G., Forner A., Gessler A., Granier A., Pollastrini M., Valladares F., Bonal D. 2015. Influence of species interactions on transpiration of Mediterranean tree species during a summer drought. European Journal of Forest Research 134: 365–376
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  • Grossiord C., Gessler A., Granier A., Berger S., Bréchet C., Hentschel R., Hommel R., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Bonal D. 2014. Impact of interspecific interactions on the soil water uptake depth in a young temperate mixed species plantation. Journal of Hydrology, 519:3511–3519
  • Grossiord C., Granier A., Ratcliffe S., Bouriaud O., Bruelheide H., Chećko E., Forrester DI., Muhie Dawud S., Finér L., Pollastrini M., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Valladares F., Bonal D., Gessler A. 2014. Tree diversity does not always improve resistance of forest ecosystems to drought. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 111: 14812–14815, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1411970111
  •  Baker T., Pennington T., Magallon S., Laurance W., Gloor E., Alexiades M., Alvarez E., Araujo A., Arets E., Aymard G., Oliveira A., Amaral I., Arroyo L., Bonal D., Brienen R., Chave J., Dexter K., DiFiore A., Eler E., Feldpausch T., Ferreira L., López Gonzalez G., van der Heijden G., Higuchi N., Honorio E., Huamantupa I., Killeen T., Laurance S., Toledo M., Lewis S., Malhi Y., Marimon B., Marimon B. H., Monteagudo-Mendoza A., Neill D., Penuela M., Pitman N., Prieto A., Quesada C., Ramirez F., Ramirez-Angulo H., Rudas A., Ruschel A., Salamao R., Andrade A., Silva N., Silveira M., Simon M., Spironelo W., ter Steege H., Terborgh J., Torres A., Vasquez R., Vieira I., Vilanova E., Vos V., Phillips O.. 2014. Fast demographic traits promote high diversification of Amazonian trees. Ecology Letters, 17:527-536
  • Mitchard E.T.A, Feldpausch T.R, Brienen R.J.W, Lopez-Gonzalez G, Monteagudo A, Baker T.R, Lewis S.L, Lloyd J, Quesada C.A, Gloor M, ter Steege H, Meir P, Alvarez E.V, Araujo-Murakami A, Arroyo L, Aymard G.A, Banki O, Bonal D, Brown S, Cerón C.E, Chama Moscoso V, Chave J, Comiskey J.M, Corrales Medina M, Da Costa L, de Souza P.F, Di Fiore A, Domingues ,T Erwin T.L, Higuchi N, Honorio Coronado E. N, Killeen T.J, Laurance W.F, Magnusson W.E, Marimon B.S, Marimon Junior B.H, Mishra P, Nascimento M.,T Neill D, Palacios W.A, Parada A, Pitman N, Peres C.A, Prieto A, Ramirez-Angulo H, Roucoux K, Rudas A, Salomao R.P, Schietti J, Silveira M, Stropp J, Terborgh J, Thomas R.P, Toledo M, Torres-Lezama A, van Andel T.R, van der Heijden G.M.F, Vargas P.N, Vieira I.C.G, Vilanova-Torre E, Wang O, Zartman C.E, Malhi Y. & Phillips O.L. 2014. Markedly divergent estimates of Amazon forest carbon density from ground plots and satellites. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23:935-946.
  • Wagner F., Rossi V., Baraloto C., Bonal D., Stahl C., Hérault B. 2014. Are commonly measured functional traits involved in tropical tree responses to climate? International Journal of Ecology, Article ID 389409, 10 pages -
  • Wagner F, Rossi V., Aubry-Kientz M., Bonal D., Dalitz H., Gliniars R., Stahl C., Trabucco A., Hérault B., 2014. Pan-tropical analysis of climate effects on seasonal tree growth. PlosBiology 9(3) e92337. doi:10.1371.
  • Grossiord C., Granier A., Gessler A., Jucker T., Bonal D. 2014. Does Drought Influence the Relationship between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in Boreal Forests? Ecosystems, 17: 394-404.
  • Grossiord C., Gessler A., Granier A., Pollastrini M., Bussoti F., Bonal D. 2014. Interspecific competition influences the response of oak transpiration to increasing drought stress in a mixed Mediterranean forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 318: 54-61.
  • Rowland L., Hill T., Stahl C., Siebicke L., Burban B., Zaragoza-Castells J., Ponton S., Bonal D., Meir P., Williams M. 2014. Evidence for strong seasonality in the carbon storage and carbon use efficiency of an Amazonian forest. Global Change Biology20: 979–991.


  • Baeten L., Verheyen K., Wirth C., Bruelheide H., Bussotti F., Finér L., Jaroszewicz B., Selvi F., Valladares F., Allan E., Ampoorter E., Auge H., Avăcăriei D., Barbaro L., Bărnoaiea I., Bastias C.C., Bauhus J., Beinhoff C., Benavides R., Benneter A., Berger S., Berthold F., Boberg J., Bonal D., et al. (2013) A novel comparative research platform designed to determine the functional significance of tree species diversity in European forests. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 15:281-291.
  • Stahl C., Hérault B., Rossi V., Burban B., Bréchet C., Bonal D. 2013. Depth of soil water uptake by tropical rainforest trees during dry periods: does tree dimension matter? Oecologia,173:1191-1201.
  • Wagner F., Rossi V., Stahl C., Bonal D. & Hérault B. 2013. Asynchronism in leaf and wood production in tropical forests: a study combining satellite and ground-based measurements. Biogeosciences,10: 7307-7321.
  • Rowland L., Stahl C., Bonal D., Williams M., Siebicke L., Meir P. 2013. The response of tropical rainforest dead wood respiration to seasonal drought. Ecosystems,16: 1294–1309
  • Brousseau L. Bonal D., Cigna J., Scotti I. 2013. Highly local environmental variability promotes intra-population divergence of quantitative traits: an example from tropical rainforest trees. Annals of Botany, 112:1169-1179
  • Grossiord C., Granier A., Gessler A., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Pollastrini M., Bonal D. 2013. Application of Loreau & Hector’s (2001) partitioning method to complex functional traits. Methods in Ecology & Evolution, 4:954-960
  • Grossiord C., Granier A., Gessler A., Pollastrini M. Bonal D. 2013. The influence of tree species mixture on ecosystem-level carbon accumulation and water use in a mixed boreal plantation. Forest Ecology and Management298: 82-92.
  • Stahl C., Burban B., Wagner F., Goret J.Y., Bompy F., Bonal D. 2013. Influence of seasonal variations in soil water availability on gas exchange of tropical canopy trees. Biotropica, 45: 155-164.
  • Zapater M., Bréda N., Bonal D., Pardonnet S., Granier A. 2013. Differential response to soil drought among co-occurring broad-leaved tree species growing in a 15-to-25-year-old mixed stand. Annals of Forest Science, 70: 31-39


  • De Weirdt M., Verbeeck H., Maignan F., Peylin P., Poulter B., Bonal D., Ciais P., Steppe K. 2012. Seasonal leaf dynamics for tropical evergreen forests in a process based global ecosystem model. Geoscientific Model Development, 5: 1091-1108
  • Baraloto C., Hérault B., Paine T., Massot H., Blanc L., Bonal D., Nicolini E., Molino JF., Sabatier D. 2012. Contrasting taxonomic and functional responses of a tropical tree community to selective logging. Journal of Applied Ecology, 49: 861-870
  • Soudani K., Hmimina G., Delpierre N., Pontailler J-Y., Aubinet M., Bonal D., Caquet B., de Grandcourt A., Burban B., Flechard C., Guyon D., Granier A., Gross P., Heinesch B., Longdoz B., Loustau D., Moureaux C., Ourcival J-M., Rambal S., Saint André L., Dufrêne E. 2012 Ground-based Network of NDVI measurements for tracking temporal dynamics of canopy structure and vegetation phenology in different biomes. Remote Sensing of Environment, 123: 234-245
  • Wagner F., Rossi V., Baraloto C., Bonal D., Stahl C., Hérault B. 2012. Water availability is the main climate driver of Neotropical tree growth. PlosOne, 7: e34074 (19 p.)
  • Coq S., Weigel J., Bonal D., Hättenschwiler S. 2012. Litter mixture effects on tropical tree seedling growth. Plant Biology, 14: 630-640.


  • Dejean A., Céréghino R., Carpenter J.M., Corbara B., Hérault B., Rossi V., Leponce M., Orivel J., D. Bonal. 2011. Climate change impact on Neotropical social wasps. PlosOne, 6: 1-8
  • Jung M., Reichstein M., Margolis H.A., Cescatti A., Richardson A.D., Altaf Arain M., Arneth A., Bernhofer C., Bonal D., Chen J., Gianelle D., Gobron N., Kiely G., Kutsch W., Lasslop G., Law B.E., Lindroth A., Merbold L., Montagnani L., Moors E.J., Papale D., Sottocornola M., Vaccari F., Williams C. 2011. Global patterns of land-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, latent heat, and sensible heat derived from eddy covariance, satellite, and meteorological observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, G00J07, doi:10.1029/2010JG001566
  • Zapater M., Hossann C., Breda N., Bréchet C., Bonal D., Granier A. 2011. Evidence of hydraulic lift in a young beech and oak mixed forest using 18O soil water labeling. Trees, Structure and Function,25:885-894.
  • Bonal D., Ponton S., LeThiec D., Richard B., Ningre N., Hérault B., Ogée J., Gonzalez S., Pignal M., Sabatier D., Guehl J.-M. 2011. Leaf functional response to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations over the last century in two northern Amazonian tree species: a historical d13C and d18O approach using herbarium samples. Plant, Cell & Environment, 34:1332-1344
  • Stahl C., Burban B. Goret J-Y., Bonal D. 2011. Seasonal variations in trunk CO2 efflux in the Neotropical rainforest of French Guiana. Annals of Forest Science, 68:771-782
  • Wagner F., Hérault B., Stahl C., Bonal D. & Rossi V. 2011. Modeling water availability for trees in tropical forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151:1202-1213
  • Brechet L., Almeras T., Ponton S., Bonal D., Epron D. 2011. Does spatial distribution of tree size account for spatial variation in soil respiration in a tropical forest? Plant and Soil, 347: 293-303.
  • Verbeeck H., Peylin P., Bacour C., Steppe K., Bonal D., Ciais P. 2011. Seasonal patterns of CO2 fluxes in Amazon forests: fusion of eddy covariance data and the ORCHIDEE model. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 116, G02018, doi:10.1029/2010JG001544.
  • Coq S., Weigel J., Butenschoen O., Bonal D., Hättenschwiler S. 2011. Litter composition rather than plant presence affects decomposition of tropical litter mixtures. Plant and Soil343:273-286
  • Betsch P., Bonal D., Breda N., Montpied P., Peiffer M., Tuzet A., Granier A. 2011. Drought effects on water relations in beech: the contribution of exchangeable water reservoirs. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151:531-543.


  • Baraloto C., Paine T., Beauchêne J., Bonal D., Domenach A-M., Hérault B., Patino S., Roggy JC., Chave J. 2010. Decoupled leaf and stem economics in rainforest trees. Ecology letters, 13:1338-1347.
  • Phillips O.L., van der Heijden G., Lewis S.L., López-González G., Aragão L.E.O.C., Lloyd J.J., Malhi Y., Monteagudo A., Almeida S., Alvarez Dávila E., Amaral I., Andelman S., Andrade A., Arroyo L., Aymard G., Baker T.R., Blanc L., Bonal D. and 39 co-authors. 2010. Drought-mortality relationships for tropical forests. New Phytologist, 187:631-646
  • Stahl C., Burban B., Bompy F., Jolin Z.B., Sermage J., Bonal D. 2010. Seasonal variation in atmospheric relative humidity contributes to explaining seasonal variation in trunk circumference of tropical rain forest trees in French Guiana. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 26: 393-405
  • Freycon V., Krencker M., Schwartz D., Nasi R., Bonal D. 2010. The impact of climate changes during the Holocene on vegetation in northern French Guiana. Quaternary Research, 73: 220-225
  • Gilmanov T.G., Aires L., Barcza Z., Baron V.S., Belelli L., Beringer J., Billesbach D., Bonal D., Bradford J., Ceschia E., Cook D., Corradi C., Frank A., Gianelle D., Gimeno C., Gruenwald T., Guo H.Q., Hanan N., Haszpra L., Heilman J., Jacobs A., Jones M.B., Johnson D.A., Kiely G., Li S.G., Magliulo V., Moors E., Nagy Z., Nasyrov M., Owensby C., Pinter K., Pio C., Reichstein M., Sanz M.J., Scott R., Soussana J.F., Stoy P.C., Svejcar T., Tuba Z. & Zhou G.S. 2010. Productivity, respiration, and light-response parameters of world grassland and agroecosystems derived from flux-tower measurements. Rangeland Ecology & Management63, 16-39.
  • Schwalm C.R., Williams C.A., Schaefer K., Arneth A., Bonal D., Buchmann N., Chen J.Q., Law B.E., Lindroth A., Luyssaert S., Reichstein M. & Richardson A.D. 2010. Assimilation exceeds respiration sensitivity to drought: A FLUXNET synthesis. Global Change Biology16: 657-670.
  • Scotti I., Calvo-Vialettes L., Scotti-Saintagne C., Citterio M., Degen B., Bonal D. 2010. Genetic variation for growth, morphological, and physiological traits in a wild population of the Neotropical, shade-tolerant rainforest tree Sextonia rubra (Mez) van der Werff (Lauraceae). Tree, Genetics and Genomes, 6:319-329.
  • Longdoz B., Granier A., Loustau D., Rambal S., Dufrêne E., Bonal D., Nouvellon Y., Delzon S., Kowalski A.S.T. 2010. CHAPTER 2. Environmental control of carbon fluxes in forest ecosystems in France: a comparison between temperate, Mediterranean and tropical forests. Chap. 2. In Loustau D. Eds, Forests, Carbon Cycle and Climate Change. Collection Update Sciences & Technologies, Quae, 346 pp.
  • Chave J., Navarrete D., Almeida A. Álvarez E., Aragão L. E. O. C., Bonal D., Châtelet P., Espejo J.E., Goret J.-Y., von Hildebrand P., Jiménez E., Patiño S., Peñuela M.C., Phillips O., Stevenson P., Malhi Y. 2010. Regional and seasonal patterns of litterfall in tropical South America. Biogeosciences Discussions, 7:43-55.
  • Baraloto C., Paine T.C.E., Patiño S., Bonal D., Hérault B. & Chave J. 2010. Functional trait variation and sampling strategies in species-rich plant communities. Functional Ecology, 24: 208-216.


  • van Gorsel E., Delpierre N., Leuning R., Black A., Munger J.W., Wofsy S., Aubinet M., Feigenwinter C., Beringer J., Bonal D., Chen B., Chen C., Clement R., Davis K.J., Desai A., Dragoni D., Etzold S., Grünwald T., Gu L., Heinesch B., Hutyra L.R., Jans W.W.P., Kutsch W., Law B.E., Leclerc M.Y., Mammarella Y., Montagnani L., Noormets A., Rebmann C., & Sonia W. 2009. Estimating nocturnal ecosystem respiration from the vertical turbulent flux and change in storage of CO2. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology149: 1919-1930
  • Gloor M., Phillips O.L., Lloyd J.J., Lewis S.L., Malhi Y., Baker T.R., López-Gonzalez G., Peacock J., Almeida S., Alves de Oliveira A.C., Alvarez E., Amaral I., Arroyo L., Aymard G., Banki O., Blanc L., Bonal D., Brando P., Chao K.J., Chave J., Dávila N., Erwin T., Silva J., Di Fiore A., Feldpausch T., Freitas A., Herrera R., Higuchi N., Honorio E., Jiménez E., Killeen T., Laurance W., Mendoza C., Monteagudo A., Andrade A., Neill D., Nepstad D., Núñez Vargas P., Peñuela M.C., Peña Cruz A., Prieto A., Pitman N., Quesada C., Salomão R., Schwarz M., Stropp J., Ramírez F., Ramírez H., Rudas A., ter Steege H., Silva N., Torres A., Terborgh J., Vásquez R., van der Heijden G. 2009. Does the disturbance hypothesis explain the biomass increase in basin-wide Amazon forest plot data? Global Change Biology 15, 2418-2430.
  • Fisher J.B., Malhi Y., Bonal D., Da Rocha H.R., De Araujo J.O., Gamo M., Goulden M., Rano T.I., Huete A.R., Kondo H., Kumagai T., Loescher H.W., Miller S.D., Nobre A.D., Nouvellon Y., Oberbauer S.F., Panuthai S., Roupsard O., Sales S., Tanaka K., Tanaka N., Tu K. & Von Randow C. 2009. The land-atmosphere water flux in the tropics. Global Change Biology 15, 2694-2714.
  • Blanc L., M. Echard, B. Herault, D. Bonal, E. Marcon, J. Chave, C. Baraloto. 2009. Dynamics of aboveground carbon stocks in a selectively logged tropical forest. Ecological Applications19(6), 1397–1404.
  • Chemidlin Prevost-Boure N., Ngao J., Berveiller D., Bonal D., Damesin C., Dufrêne E., Lata J.C., Le Dantec V., Longdoz B., Ponton S., Soudani K., Epron D. 2009. Root exclusion does not affect the isotopic composition of soil CO2 efflux. Plant and Soil319: 1-13.
  • Brechet L., Ponton S., Roy J., Freycon V., Couteaux MM., Bonal D., Epron D. 2009. Do tree species characteristics influence soil respiration in tropical forests? A test based on 16 tree species planted in monospecific plots? Plant and Soil319, 235-246.
  • Patino S., J. Lloyd, R. Paiva, T. R. Baker, C. A. Quesada, L. M. Mercado, J. Schmerler, M. Schwarz, A. J. B. Santos, A. Aguilar, C. I.Czimczik, J. Gallo, V. Horna, E. J. Hoyos, E. M. Jimenez, W. Palomino, J. Peacock, A. Pena-Cruz, C. Sarmiento, A. Sota, J. D. Turriago, B. Villanueva, P. Vitzthum,E. Alvarez, L. Arroyo, C. Baraloto, D. Bonal, J. Chave, A. C. L. Costa, R. Herrera, N. Higuchi, T. Killeen, E. Leal, F. Luizao, P. Meir, A. Monteagudo, D. Neil, P. Nunez-Vargas, M. C. Penuela, N. Pitman, N. Priante Filho, A. Prieto, S. N. Panfil, A. Rudas, R. Salomao, N.Silva, M. Silveira, S. Soares deAlmeida, A. Torres-Lezama, R. Vasquez-Martınez, I. Vieira, Y. Malhi, and O. L. Phillips. 2009. Branch xylem density variations across the Amazon Basin. Biogeosciences Discussions, 6:545-568.
  • Phillips O.L., Aragão L., Fisher J.B., Lewis S.M., Lloyd J., López-González G., Malhi Y., Monteagudo A., Peacock J., Quesada C.A., van der Heijden G., Almeida S., Amaral I., Arroyo L., Aymard G., Baker T.R., Bánki O., Blanc L., Bonal D., et al. 2009. Drought sensitivity of the Amazon rainforest. Science323 (5919): 1344-1347.

1997 to 2008

  • Bonal D., Bosc A., Goret JY., Burban B., Gross P., Bonnefond JM., Elbers J., Ponton S., Epron D., Guehl JM. & Granier A. 2008. The impact of severe dry season on net ecosystem exchange in the Neotropical rainforest of French Guiana. Global Change Biology, 14, 1917-1933.
  • Hättenschwiler S., Aeschlimann B., Coûteaux M.M., Roy J., & Bonal D. 2008. Variation in foliage and leaf litter quality among 45 Neotropical rainforest tree species and its implications for nutrient recycling. New Phytologist, 179, 165-175.
  • Luyssaert S., Inglima I., Jung M., Reichstein M., Papale D., Piao S., Schulze E.-D., Wingate L., Matteucci G., Aubinet M., Beer C., Bernhofer C., Black K.J., Bonal D., et al. 2007. Global patterns in forest CO2-balance – An analysis based on a new global database. Global Change Biology, 13, 1-29
  • Bonal D., Born C., Bréchet C., Coste S., Marcon E., Roggy JC., & Guehl JM. 2007. The successional status of tropical rainforest tree species is associated with differences in leaf carbon isotope discrimination and functional traits. Annals of Forest Science,64, 169-176
  • Baraloto C., Morneau F., Bonal D., Blanc L. & Ferry B. 2007. Seasonal water stress tolerance and habitat associations within four Neotropical tree genera. Ecology, 88(2) 478-489
  • Epron D., Bosc A., Bonal D. & Freycon V. 2006. Spatial variation of soil respiration across a topographic gradient in a tropical rainforest in French Guiana. Journal of Tropical Ecology22: 565-574
  • Baraloto C., Bonal D. & Goldberg D.E. 2006. Differential seedling growth response to soil resource availability among nine neotropical tree species. Journal of Tropical Ecology22: 487-497.
  • Baraloto C., Goldberg D.E. & Bonal D. 2005. Performance trade-offs among tropical tree seedlings in contrasting microhabitats. Ecology86:2461-2472
  • Béreau M., Bonal D., Louisanna E. & Garbaye J. 2005. Do mycorrhizas improve tropical tree seedling performance under water stress and low light conditions? A case study with Dicorynia guianensis Amshoff (Caesalpiniaceae). Journal of Tropical Ecology 21: 375-381
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  • Guehl, J.M., Bonal D., Ferhi A., Barigah T.S., Farquhar G.D. & Granier A. 2004. Community-level diversity of carbon-water relations in rainforest trees. In Ecology and Management of a Neotropical Rainforest, Paracou (French Guiana) Eds. S. Gourlet-Fleury, O. Laroussinie and JM. Guehl. Elsevier, Paris, pp. 65-84
  • Buchmann, N., Bonal D., Barigah T.S., Ehleringer J. & Guehl J.M. 2004. Insights in the carbon dynamics of an Amazonian rainforest provided by stable carbon isotope analyses of soils, plants and the atmosphere. In Ecology and Management of a Neotropical Rainforest, Paracou (French Guiana) Eds. S. Gourlet-Fleury, O. Laroussinie and JM. Guehl. Elsevier, Paris, pp. 85-103
  • Bonal D. & Guehl J.M. 2001. Contrasting patterns of leaf water potential and gas exchange responses to drought in seedlings of tropical rainforest species. Functional Ecology15:490-496
  • Bonal D., Atger C., Barigah T.S., Ferhi A., Guehl J.M. & Ferry B. 2000a. Water acquisition patterns of two wet tropical canopy trees of French Guiana as inferred from H218O extraction profiles. Annals of Forest Science57:717-724
  • Bonal D., Barigah T.S., Granier A. & Guehl J.M. 2000b. Late stage canopy tree species with extremely low d13C and high stomatal sensitivity to seasonal soil drought in the tropical rainforest of French Guiana. Plant, Cell and Environment23:445-459
  • Bonal D., Sabatier S., Montpied P., Tremeaux D. & Guehl J.M.. 2000c. Interspecific variability of d13C among canopy trees in rainforests of French Guiana: Functional groups and canopy integration.Oecologia124:454-468
  • Bon M.C., Bonal D., Goh D.K. & Monteuuis O. 1998. Influence of different macronutrient solutions and growth regulators on micropropagation of juvenile Acacia mangium and Paraserianthes falcataria explants. Plant, Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture53: 171-177
  • Bonal D. 1997. Influence of some in situ environmental factors on growth performances of Calamus caesius. Journal of Tropical Forest Science9:369-378
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