Productions 2019

Publications dans Hal pour l'année 2019


HAL : Dernières publications

  • [hal-02623508] Impact of bias correction and downscaling through quantile mapping on simulated climate change signal: a case study over Central Italy

    Quantile mapping (QM) represents a common post-processing technique used to connect climate simulations to impact studies at different spatial scales. Depending on the simulation-observation spatial scale mismatch, QM can be used for two different applications. The first application uses only the bias correction component, establishing transfer functions between observations and simulations at similar spatial scales. The second application includes a statistical downscaling component when point-scale observations are considered. However, knowledge of alterations to climate change signal (CCS) resulting from these two applications is limited. This study investigates QM impacts on the original temperature and precipitation CCSs when applied according to a bias correction only (BC-only) and a bias correction plus downscaling (BC + DS) application over reference stations in Central Italy. BC-only application is used to adjust regional climate model (RCM) simulations having the same resolution as the observation grid. QM BC + DS application adjusts the same simulations to point-wise observations. QM applications alter CCS mainly for temperature. BC-only application produces a CCS of the median ~ 1 °C lower than the original (~ 4.5 °C). BC + DS application produces CCS closer to the original, except over the summer 95th percentile, where substantial amplification of the original CCS resulted. The impacts of the two applications are connected to the ratio between the observed and the simulated standard deviation (STD) of the calibration period. For the precipitation, original CCS is essentially preserved in both applications. Yet, calibration period STD ratio cannot predict QM impact on the precipitation CCS when simulated STD and mean are similarly misrepresented.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Lorenzo Sangelantoni) 26 May 2020

  • [hal-02177359] Prolonged warming and drought modify belowground interactions for water among coexisting plants

    Understanding how climate alters plant-soil water dynamics, and its impact on physiological functions, is critical to improved predictions of vegetation responses to climate change. Here we analyzed how belowground interactions for water shift under warming and drought, and associated impacts on plant functions. In a semi-arid woodland, adult trees (piñon and juniper) and perennial grasses (blue grama) were exposed to warming and precipitation reduction. After 6 years of continuous treatment exposure, soil and plant water isotopic composition was measured to assess plant water uptake depths and community-level water source partitioning. Warming and drought modified plant water uptake depths. Under warming, contrasting changes in water sources between grasses and trees reduced belowground water source partitioning, resulting in higher interspecific competition for water. Under drought, shifts in trees and grass water sources to deeper soil layers resulted in the maintenance of the naturally occurring water source partitioning among species. Trees showed higher water stress, and reduced water use and photosynthesis in response to warming and drought. This case study demonstrates that neighboring plants shift their competitive interactions for water under prolonged warming and drought, but regardless of whether changes in moisture sources will result in increased competition among species or maintained partitioning of water resources, these competitive adaptations may easily be overridden by climate extremes.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Charlotte Grossiord) 08 Jul 2019

  • [hal-02432407] Large hydraulic safety margins protect Neotropical canopy rainforest tree species against hydraulic failure during drought

    AbstractKey messageAbundant Neotropical canopy-tree species are more resistant to drought-induced branch embolism than what is currently admitted. Large hydraulic safety margins protect them from hydraulic failure under actual drought conditions.ContextXylem vulnerability to embolism, which is associated to survival under extreme drought conditions, is being increasingly studied in the tropics, but data on the risk of hydraulic failure for lowland Neotropical rainforest canopy-tree species, thought to be highly vulnerable, are lacking.AimsThe purpose of this study was to gain more knowledge on species drought-resistance characteristics in branches and leaves and the risk of hydraulic failure of abundant rainforest canopy-tree species during the dry season.MethodsWe first assessed the range of branch xylem vulnerability to embolism using the flow-centrifuge technique on 1-m-long sun-exposed branches and evaluated hydraulic safety margins with leaf turgor loss point and midday water potential during normal- and severe-intensity dry seasons for a large set of Amazonian rainforest canopy-tree species.ResultsTree species exhibited a broad range of embolism resistance, with the pressure threshold inducing 50% loss of branch hydraulic conductivity varying from − 1.86 to − 7.63 MPa. Conversely, we found low variability in leaf turgor loss point and dry season midday leaf water potential, and mostly large, positive hydraulic safety margins.ConclusionsRainforest canopy-tree species growing under elevated mean annual precipitation can have high resistance to embolism and are more resistant than what was previously thought. Thanks to early leaf turgor loss and high embolism resistance, most species have a low risk of hydraulic failure and are well able to withstand normal and even severe dry seasons.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Camille Ziegler) 14 Dec 2020

  • [hal-02624918] LiDAR-derived topography and forest structure predict fine-scale variation in daily surface temperatures in oak savanna and conifer forest landscapes

    In mountain landscapes, surface temperatures vary over short distances due to interacting influences of topography and overstory vegetation on local energy and water balances. At two study landscapes in the Sierra Nevada of California, characterized by foothill oak savanna at 276–481 m elevation and montane conifer forest at 1977–2135 m, we deployed 288 near-surface (5 cm above the surface) temperature sensors to sample site-scale (30 m) temperature variation related to hillslope orientation and vegetation structure and microsite-scale (2–10 m) variation related to microtopography and tree overstory. Daily near-surface maximum and minimum temperatures for the 2013 calendar year were related to topographic factors and vegetation overstory characterized using small footprint LiDAR imagery acquired by the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Airborne Observation Platform (AOP). At both landscapes we recorded large site and microsite spatial variation in daily maximum temperatures, and less absolute variation in daily minimum temperatures. Generalized boosted regression trees were estimated to measure the influence of tree canopy density, understory solar radiation, cold-air drainage and pooling, ground cover and microtopography on daily maximum and minimum temperatures at site and microsite scales. Site-scale models based on indices of understory solar radiation and landscape position explained an average of 61–65% of daily variation in maximum temperature; site-scale models based on tree canopy density and landscape position explained 65–83% of variation in minimum temperatures. Models explained <15% of variation in microsite-scale maximum temperatures but within-site heterogeneity was significantly correlated with within-site heterogeneity in modeled understory radiation at both landscapes. Tree canopy density and slope explained 33% of microsite-scale variation in minimum temperatures at savanna sites. Our results demonstrate that it is feasible to model site-scale variation in daily surface temperature extremes and within-site heterogeneity in surface temperatures using LiDAR-derived variables, supporting efforts to understand cross-scale relationships between surface microclimates and regional climate change. Improved understanding of topographic and vegetative buffering of thermal microclimates across mountain landscapes is key to projecting microclimate heterogeneity and potential species’ range dynamics under future climate change.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Frank W. Davis) 26 May 2020

  • [hal-02181076] Air temperature optima of vegetation productivity across global biomes.

    The global distribution of the optimum air temperature for ecosystem-level gross primary productivity ([Formula: see text]) is poorly understood, despite its importance for ecosystem carbon uptake under future warming. We provide empirical evidence for the existence of such an optimum, using measurements of in situ eddy covariance and satellite-derived proxies, and report its global distribution. [Formula: see text] is consistently lower than the physiological optimum temperature of leaf-level photosynthetic capacity, which typically exceeds 30 °C. The global average [Formula: see text] is estimated to be 23 ± 6 °C, with warmer regions having higher [Formula: see text] values than colder regions. In tropical forests in particular, [Formula: see text] is close to growing-season air temperature and is projected to fall below it under all scenarios of future climate, suggesting a limited safe operating space for these ecosystems under future warming.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Mengtian Huang) 11 Jul 2019

  • [cea-02363571] Sustainable bioenergy for climate mitigation: developing drought-tolerant trees and grasses

    Background and Aims Bioenergy crops are central to climate mitigation strategies that utilize biogenic carbon, such as BECCS (bioenergy with carbon capture and storage), alongside the use of biomass for heat, power, liquid fuels and, in the future, biorefining to chemicals. Several promising lignocellulosic crops are emerging that have no food role-fast-growing trees and grasses-but are well suited as bioenergy feedstocks, including Populus, Salix, Arundo, Miscanthus, Panicum and Sorghum. • Scope These promising crops remain largely undomesticated and, until recently, have had limited germplasm resources. In order to avoid competition with food crops for land and nature conservation, it is likely that future bio-energy crops will be grown on marginal land that is not needed for food production and is of poor quality and subject to drought stress. Thus, here we define an ideotype for drought tolerance that will enable biomass production to be maintained in the face of moderate drought stress. This includes traits that can readily be measured in wide populations of several hundred unique genotypes for genome-wide association studies, alongside traits that are informative but can only easily be assessed in limited numbers or training populations that may be more suitable for genomic selection. Phenotyping, not genotyping, is now the major bottleneck for progress, since in all lignocellulosic crops studied extensive use has been made of next-generation sequencing such that several thousand markers are now available and populations are emerging that will enable rapid progress for drought-tolerance breeding. The emergence of novel technologies for targeted genotyping by sequencing are particularly welcome. Genome editing has already been demonstrated for Populus and offers significant potential for rapid deployment of drought-tolerant crops through manipulation of ABA receptors, as demonstrated in Arabidopsis, with other gene targets yet to be tested. • Conclusions Bioenergy is predicted to be the fastest-developing renewable energy over the coming decade and significant investment over the past decade has been made in developing genomic resources and in collecting wild germplasm from within the natural ranges of several tree and grass crops. Harnessing these resources for climate-resilient crops for the future remains a challenge but one that is likely to be successful.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (G. Taylor) 14 Nov 2019

  • [hal-02089844] What's hot in conservation biogeography in a changing climate? Going beyond species range dynamics

    In recent decades Earth's rapidly changing climate, driven by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, has affected species distributions and phenology, ecological communities and ecosystem processes, effects that are increasingly being observed globally (Allen et al., 2010; Doney et al., 2012; Franklin, Serra‐Diaz, Syphard, & Regan, 2016; Parmesan, 2006; Walther et al., 2002). Pleistocene shifts in species ranges during glacial–interglacial transitions reveal large‐scale biome shifts and no‐analog species assemblages (MacDonald et al., 2008; Nolan et al., 2018; Williams & Jackson, 2007); the pace of current anthropogenic warming outstrips past changes in the Earth system and climate, however, leading to new climate novelties and ecological communities (Ordonez, Williams, & Svenning, 2016). Global scientific consensus now emphasizes that global warming should be kept to 1.5°C to avoid catastrophic changes in ecosystems and the services they provide to people (IPCC, 2018), and climate change threats to biodiversity are being prioritized in international policy response (Ferrier et al., 2016).

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Josep Serra-Diaz) 04 Apr 2019

  • [hal-02021420] More than climate? Predictors of tree canopy height vary with scale in complex terrain, Sierra Nevada, CA (USA)

    Tall trees and vertical forest structure are associated with increased productivity, biomass and wildlife habitat quality. While climate has been widely hypothesized to control forest structure at broad scales, other variables could be key at fine scales, and are associated with forest management. In this study we identify the environmental conditions (climate, topography, soils) associated with increased tree height across spatial scales using airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data to measure canopy height. The study was conducted over a large elevational gradient from 200 to 3000 m in the Sierra Nevada Mountains (CA, USA) spanning sparse oak woodlands to closed canopy conifer forests. We developed Generalized Boosted Models (GBMs) of forest height, ranking predictor variable importance against Maximum Canopy Height (CHMax)at six spatial scales (25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 m). In our study area, climate variables such as the climatic water deficit and mean annual precipitation were more strongly correlated with CHMax (18-52% relative importance) than soil and topographic variables, and models at intermediate (50-500 m) scales explained the most variance in CHMax (R-2 0.77-0.83). Certain soil variables such as soil bulk density and pH, as well as topographic variables such as the topographic wetness index; slope curvature and potential solar radiation, showed consistent, strong associations with canopy structure across the gradient, but these relationships were scale dependent. Topography played a greater role in predicting forest structure at fine spatial scales, while climate variables dominated our models, particularly at coarse scales. Our results indicate that multiple abiotic factors are associated with increased maximum tree height; climatic water balance is most strongly associated with this component of forest structure but varies across all spatial scales examined (6.9-54.8% relative importance), while variables related to topography also explain variance in tree height across the elevational gradient, particularly at finer spatial scales (37.15%, 20.26% relative importance at 25, 50 m scales respectively).

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Geoffrey A. Fricker) 15 Feb 2019

  • [hal-02264373] Additive effects of high growth rate and low transpiration rate drive differences in whole plant transpiration efficiency among black poplar genotypes

    Poplar plantations, widely used for the production of woody biomass, might be at high risk from the climate change-induced increase in the frequency of drought periods. Therefore, selecting improved genotypes, which are highly productive but with a high water use efficiency (WUE), is becoming a major target. The use of automated weighing systems in controlled environments facilitates the estimation of cumulated water loss and whole plant transpiration efficiency (TE). Differences in TE and leaf level intrinsic WUE as well as the contribution of underlying ecophysiological traits were determined in three contrasting P. nigra genotypes. Strong differences in TE among the selected genotypes were congruent with differences in leaf level intrinsic WUE. Our data show that a high total leaf area was overcompensated by a low per leaf area transpiration rate, leading to higher TE in highly productive genotypes originating from cool locations. Nocturnal water loss was relatively low but contributed to variations in TE among genotypes. In response to drought, leaf level WUE increased but not TE, suggesting that carbon losses due to whole plant respiration could offset the drought-induced increase in intrinsic WUE.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Marie-Béatrice Bogeat-Triboulot) 06 Aug 2019

  • [hal-02628795] Acclimation and adaptation components of the temperature dependence of plant photosynthesis at the global scale.

    The temperature response of photosynthesis is one of the key factors determining predicted responses to warming in global vegetation models (GVMs). The response may vary geographically, owing to genetic adaptation to climate, and temporally, as a result of acclimation to changes in ambient temperature. Our goal was to develop a robust quantitative global model representing acclimation and adaptation of photosynthetic temperature responses. We quantified and modelled key mechanisms responsible for photosynthetic temperature acclimation and adaptation using a global dataset of photosynthetic CO2 response curves, including data from 141 C3 species from tropical rainforest to Arctic tundra. We separated temperature acclimation and adaptation processes by considering seasonal and common‐garden datasets, respectively. The observed global variation in the temperature optimum of photosynthesis was primarily explained by biochemical limitations to photosynthesis, rather than stomatal conductance or respiration. We found acclimation to growth temperature to be a stronger driver of this variation than adaptation to temperature at climate of origin. We developed a summary model to represent photosynthetic temperature responses and showed that it predicted the observed global variation in optimal temperatures with high accuracy. This novel algorithm should enable improved prediction of the function of global ecosystems in a warming climate.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Dushan P Kumarathunge) 27 May 2020

  • [hal-02165403] Infiltration from the Pedon to Global Grid Scales: An Overview and Outlook for Land Surface Modeling

    Infiltration in soils is a key process that partitions precipitation at the land surface into surface runoff and water that enters the soil profile. We reviewed the basic principles of water infiltration in soils and we analyzed approaches commonly used in land surface models (LSMs) to quantify infiltration as well as its numerical implementation and sensitivity to model parameters. We reviewed methods to upscale infiltration from the point to the field, hillslope, and grid cell scales of LSMs. Despite the progress that has been made, upscaling of local-scale infiltration processes to the grid scale used in LSMs is still far from being treated rigorously. We still lack a consistent theoretical framework to predict effective fluxes and parameters that control infiltration in LSMs. Our analysis shows that there is a large variety of approaches used to estimate soil hydraulic properties. Novel, highly resolved soil information at higher resolutions than the grid scale of LSMs may help in better quantifying subgrid variability of key infiltration parameters. Currently, only a few LSMs consider the impact of soil structure on soil hydraulic properties. Finally, we identified several processes not yet considered in LSMs that are known to strongly influence infiltration. Especially, the impact of soil structure on infiltration requires further research. To tackle these challenges and integrate current knowledge on soil processes affecting infiltration processes into LSMs, we advocate a stronger exchange and scientific interaction between the soil and the land surface modeling communities.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Harry Vereecken) 25 Jun 2019

  • [hal-02411666] The commonness of rarity: Global and future distribution of rarity across land plants

    A key feature of life’s diversity is that some species are common but many more are rare. Nonetheless, at global scales, we do not know what fraction of biodiversity consists of rare species. Here, we present the largest compilation of global plant diversity to quantify the fraction of Earth’s plant biodiversity that are rare. A large fraction, ~36.5% of Earth’s ~435,000 plant species, are exceedingly rare. Sampling biases and prominent models, such as neutral theory and the k-niche model, cannot account for the observed prevalence of rarity. Our results indicate that (i) climatically more stable regions have harbored rare species and hence a large fraction of Earth’s plant species via reduced extinction risk but that (ii) climate change and human land use are now disproportionately impacting rare species. Estimates of global species abundance distributions have important implications for risk assessments and conservation planning in this era of rapid global change.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Brian Enquist) 31 May 2021

  • [hal-02624570] Antioxidative responses of three oak species under ozone and water stress conditions

    Plants are frequently exposed to adverse environmental conditions such as drought and ozone (O-3). Under these conditions, plants can survive due to their ability to adjust their metabolism. The aim of the present study was to compare the detoxification mechanisms of three oak species showing different O-3 sensitivity and water use strategy. Two-year-old seedlings of Quercus ilex, Q. pubescens and Q. robur were grown under the combination of three levels of O-3 (1.0, 1.2 and 1.4 times the ambient O-3 concentration) and three levels of water availability (on average 100, 80 and 42% of field capacity i.e. well-watered, moderate drought and severe drought, respectively) in an O-3 Free Air Controlled Exposure facility. Ozone and drought induced the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and this phenomenon was species-specific. Sometimes, ROS accumulation was not associated with membrane injury suggesting that several antioxidative defence mechanisms inhibited or alleviated the oxidative damage. Both O-3 and drought increased total carotenoids that were able to prevent the peroxidation action by free radicals in Q. ilex, as confirmed by unchanged malondialdehyde by-product values. The concomitant decrease of total flavonoids may be related to the consumption of these compounds by the cell to inhibit the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide. Unchanged total phenols confirmed that Q. ilex has a superior ability to counteract oxidative conditions. Similar responses were found in Q. pubescens, although the negative impact of both factors was less efficiently faced than in the sympatric Q. ilex. In Q. robur, high O-3 concentrations and severe drought induced a partial rearrangement of the phenylpropanoid pathways. These antioxidative mechanisms were not able to protect the cell structure (as confirmed by ROS accumulation) suggesting that Q. robur showed a lower degree of tolerance than the other two species.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Elisa Pellegrini) 26 May 2020

  • [hal-02095574] Background mortality drivers of European tree species : climate change matters

    Increases in tree mortality rates have been highlighted in different biomes over the past decades. However, disentangling the effects of climate change on the temporal increase in tree mortality from those of management and forest dynamics remains a challenge. Using a modelling approach taking tree and stand characteristics into account, we sought to evaluate the impact of climate change on background mortality for the most common European tree species. We focused on background mortality, which is the mortality observed in a stand in the absence of abrupt disturbances, to avoid confusion with mortality events unrelated to long-term changes in temperature and rainfall. We studied 372 974 trees including 7312 dead trees from forest inventory data surveyed across France between 2009 and 2015. Factors related to competition, stand characteristics, management intensity, and site conditions were the expected preponderant drivers of mortality. Taking these main drivers into account, we detected a climate change signal on 45% of the 43 studied species, explaining an average 6% of the total modelled mortality. For 18 out of the 19 species sensitive to climate change, we evidenced greater mortality with increasing temperature or decreasing rainfall. By quantifying the mortality excess linked to the current climate change for European temperate forest tree species, we provide new insights into forest vulnerability that will prove useful for adapting forest management to future conditions.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Adrien Taccoen) 14 Dec 2020

  • [hal-02373054] Biomasse microbienne carbonée et activités enzymatiques : gammes de valeurs obtenues pour différents sols agricoles français et belges

    Depuis plusieurs décennies, les micro-organismes du sol ont été identifiés comme des acteurs majeurs du fonctionnement des sols et certaines variables microbiennes (abondance, diversité et activités) sont utilisées pour évaluer la qualité biologique des sols. Plus particulièrement, les activités enzymatiques d’origine microbienne impliquées dans la minéralisation des matières organiques des sols suscitent un fort intérêt ; néanmoins, aucun référentiel n’existe actuellement afin de les utiliser comme des indicateurs prédictifs des fonctions inhérentes à la fertilité des sols agricoles. Dans ce contexte, nous avons mesuré six activités enzymatiques (protéases, arginine- et leucine- aminopeptidases, β-glucosidases, phosphatases acides, arylsulfatases) impliquées dans la décomposition / minéralisation des matières organiques du sol, ainsi que la biomasse microbienne, sur six dispositifs expérimentaux situés dans différents contextes pédoclimatiques français et belges. Les résultats obtenus confirment que la gamme de valeurs d’activités enzymatiques et de biomasse microbienne mesurées pour différents types de sols est très large. Ainsi, les moyennes par dispositif des activités enzymatiques (exprimées par gramme de sol) varient d’un facteur compris entre 2,7 (pour les protéases) et 9,7 (pour les arylsulfatases). Concernant le carbone de la biomasse microbienne, les moyennes par dispositif varient de 159 à 488 µg C g-1 sol. Nos résultats montrent que cette biomasse microbienne, exprimée comme une fraction du carbone organique du sol, varie de 1,5 à 3,1 %. Cette variabilité des activités enzymatiques et de la biomasse microbienne en fonction des sites apparaît fortement liée aux différences de caractéristiques physico-chimiques des sols, et certainement au mode d’occupation des sols. Notamment, les variables microbiennes mesurées sont toutes significativement corrélées, certaines positivement (protéases, arginine- et leucine- aminopeptidases, β-glucosidases, biomasse microbienne), d’autres négativement (phosphatases acides, arylsulfatases) à la teneur en argile du sol. Nos résultats confirment ainsi la nécessité de disposer, pour chaque type de sol, d’un référentiel de valeurs d’activités enzymatiques et de biomasse microbienne avant d’envisager le développement d’indicateurs de fertilité des sols basés sur ces métriques.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Caroline Petitjean) 25 Apr 2022

  • [hal-02149053] Water and nutrient uptake capacity of leaf-absorbing trichomes vs. roots in epiphytic tank bromeliads

    The water and nutrient uptake mechanisms used by vascular epiphytes have been the subject of a few studies. While leaf absorbing trichomes (LATs) are the main organ involved in resource uptake by bromeliads, little attention has been paid to the absorbing role of epiphytic bromeliad roots. This study investigates the water and nutrient uptake capacity of LATs vs. roots in two epiphytic tank bromeliads Aechmea aquilega and Lutheria splendens. The tank and/or the roots of bromeliads were watered, or not watered at all, in different treatments. We show that LATs and roots have different functions in resource uptake in the two species, which we mainly attributed to dissimilarities in carbon acquisition and growth traits (e.g., photosynthesis, relative growth rate, non-structural carbohydrates, malate), to water relation traits (e.g., water and osmotic potential, relative water content, hydrenchyma thickness) and nutrient uptake (e.g., 15N-labelling). While the roots of A. aquilega did contribute to water and nutrient uptake, the roots of L. splendens were less important than the role played by the LATs in resource uptake. We also provide evidence for a synergistic effect of combined watering of tank and root in the Bromelioideae species. These results call for a more complex interpretation of LATs vs. roots in resource uptake in bromeliads.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Céline Leroy) 22 Oct 2021

  • [hal-02147493] Climatic controls of decomposition drive the global biogeography of forest-tree symbioses

    The identity of the dominant root-associated microbial symbionts in a forest determines the ability of trees to access limiting nutrients from atmospheric or soil pools1,2, sequester carbon3,4 and withstand the effects of climate change5,6. Characterizing the global distribution of these symbioses and identifying the factors that control this distribution are thus integral to understanding the present and future functioning of forest ecosystems. Here we generate a spatially explicit global map of the symbiotic status of forests, using a database of over 1.1 million forest inventory plots that collectively contain over 28,000 tree species. Our analyses indicate that climate variables—in particular, climatically controlled variation in the rate of decomposition—are the primary drivers of the global distribution of major symbioses. We estimate that ectomycorrhizal trees, which represent only 2% of all plant species7, constitute approximately 60% of tree stems on Earth. Ectomycorrhizal symbiosis dominates forests in which seasonally cold and dry climates inhibit decomposition, and is the predominant form of symbiosis at high latitudes and elevation. By contrast, arbuscular mycorrhizal trees dominate in aseasonal, warm tropical forests, and occur with ectomycorrhizal trees in temperate biomes in which seasonally warm-and-wet climates enhance decomposition. Continental transitions between forests dominated by ectomycorrhizal or arbuscular mycorrhizal trees occur relatively abruptly along climate-driven decomposition gradients; these transitions are probably caused by positive feedback effects between plants and microorganisms. Symbiotic nitrogen fixers—which are insensitive to climatic controls on decomposition (compared with mycorrhizal fungi)—are most abundant in arid biomes with alkaline soils and high maximum temperatures. The climatically driven global symbiosis gradient that we document provides a spatially explicit quantitative understanding of microbial symbioses at the global scale, and demonstrates the critical role of microbial mutualisms in shaping the distribution of plant species.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (B. Steidinger) 04 Jun 2019

  • [hal-02384205] Améliorer la capacité du chêne sessile à répondre à des sécheresses extrêmes : Réduction de la densité des peuplements. Étude dendro-écologique de réseaux d’expérimentations sylvicoles à long terme

    Dans un contexte de changement climatique, les gestionnaires ont besoin de bases scientifiques pour adapter leurs itinéraires sylvicoles. Cela passe notamment par l’étude de l’influence de la compétition sur la réponse au climat et à ses variations.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Anna Schmitt) 28 Nov 2019

  • [hal-02964786] Le processus d'innovation technologique en sylviculture - Exemple des outils mécaniques de préparation du sol avant plantation

    Un changement de pratiques sylvicoles s’impose pour assurer le renouvellement des forêts face aux changements globaux présents et à venir. C’est d’autant plus vrai avec la plantation qui doit subir des printemps au climat très contrasté. Assurer le transfert aux praticiens et propriétaires est essentiel pour garantir leur réussite.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Catherine Collet) 14 Oct 2020

  • [hal-02384139] Fructification du Hêtre et des Chênes en France : rôle des températures, du pollen et du bilan de carbone et relation avec la croissance des peuplements

    Dans cette étude, nous avons analysé les déterminants environnementaux de la variabilité spatiale et temporelle de la fructification des trois espèces feuillues européennes majeures : Quercus robur, Quercus petraea et Fagus sylvatica. Nous avons étudié les relations entre la production de fruits, l’émission de pollen, les ressources carbonées et hydriques et les conditions climatiques sur la période 1994-2007 (14 ans) à partir de 48 peuplements du réseau RENECOFOR. La production moyenne des fruits est de 251 kg/ha/an pour les Chênes et de 174 kg/ha/an pour le Hêtre. Pour le Hêtre, la production suit un rythme bisannuel très net et est synchrone entre les sites. Elle apparaît beaucoup plus variable pour les Chênes sans synchronisme net. Pour les Chênes, la fructification dépend très fortement des conditions thermiques durant la période d’émission du pollen (début avril) confirmant l’hypothèse du synchronisme pollinique pour ces espèces. Pour le Hêtre, la production dépend très fortement des écarts de température estivale entre les années. Pour les deux espèces, les relations entre la production de fruits et les différents déterminants suivent des lois non linéaires avec des forts effets seuil et des interactions complexes. Enfin, pour le Hêtre, la croissance radiale est réduite en cas de forte fructification alors que les années de bonne glandée sont aussi des années de forte croissance pour les Chênes. Les deux espèces présentent donc deux comportements opposés concernant les stratégies d’allocation entre la croissance radiale et la production de fruits.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (François F. Lebourgeois) 28 Nov 2019

  • [hal-02622305] Diagnosis of forest soil sensitivity to harvesting residues removal – A transfer study of soil science knowledge to forestry practitioners

    Forest biomass is a source of renewable energy that can contribute to meeting international targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, removing forest harvesting residues may cause important nutrient losses. Because negative effects of increased nutrient removal are not systematic, forest managers need tools for soil sensitivity assessment, to decide whether they can or not increase biomass harvesting without impairing long term forest productivity and health. This study follows two goals: (i) define forest ecosystem sensitivity indicators derived from soil physico-chemical analyses and (ii) build and test a simplified tool that predicts such soil sensitivity. After screening international literature, nutrient concentration in the topsoil was chosen as the simplest and currently most accurate indicator of soil sensitivity. With a consolidated database on French forest soils, we built diagnostic keys that predict soil sensitivity using only five parameters: humus form, topsoil texture, depth of CaCO3 apparition, ecological region, and rooting depth. We performed a statistical evaluation of the simplified tool on independent data sets and evaluated it in the field with potential users. As compared with the existing French forest soils sensitivity indicator, our diagnosis tool displayed lower high and low sensitivities classification errors and allowed to differentiate sensitivity into five elemental ones (Ca, Mg, K, P and N). All participating end users agreed with the necessity of such indicator and appreciated the simplicity of diagnosis with our tool. This study shows a complete research and development process, from the translation of scientific knowledge into an indicator of sustainable forest management to the simplification for assimilation.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Samuel Durante) 26 May 2020

  • [hal-02624166] Assessing the scaling of the tree branch diameters frequency distribution with terrestrial laser scanning: methodological framework and issues

    Key message This article presents a specific methodology for assessing the scaling of the frequency distribution of the branch diameters within a tree from terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), using large oak trees ( Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) as the case study. It emphasizes the potential of TLS in assessing branch scaling exponents and provides new insights in forest ecology and biomass allometric modelling. Context Many theoretical works invoke the scaling allometry of the frequency distribution of the branch diameters in tree form analyses, but testing such an allometry requires a huge amount of data that is particularly difficult to obtain from traditional measurements. Aims The aims of this study were (i) to clarify the theoretical and methodological basics of this allometry, (ii) to explore the possibility of establishing this allometry from terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and geometric modelling for the solid wood structure (i.e. diameters > 7 cm) of large trees, and (iii) to highlight the major methodological issues. Methods Three large oak trees (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) were digitized in leaf-off conditions from multiple points of view in order to produce accurate three-dimensional point clouds. Their woody structure was modelled using geometric procedures based on polyline and cylinder fitting. The allometry was established using basics found in literature: regular sampling of branch diameters and consideration of the living branches only. The impact of including the unpruned dead branches in the allometry was assessed, as well as the impact of modelling errors for the largest branch diameter classes. Results TLS and geometric modelling revealed a scaling exponent of − 2.4 for the frequency distribution of the branch diameters for the solid wood structure of the trees. The dead branches could highly influence the slope of the allometry, making essential their detection in TLS data. The accuracy of diameter measurement for the highest diameter classes required particular attention, slight errors in these classes having a high influence on the slope of the allometry. Conclusion These results could make it possible automated programs to process large numbers of trees and, therefore, to provide new insights in assessing forest structure, scaling, and dynamics for various environments in the context of climate change.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Mathieu Dassot) 26 May 2020

  • [hal-02399726] The cost of deer to trees: changes in resource allocation from growth-related traits and phenolic content to structural defence

    Background and aims-Plants may use various defence mechanisms to protect their tissues against deer browsing and the allocation of resources to defence may trade-off with plants' growth. In a context of increasing deer populations in European forests, understanding the resource allocation strategies of trees is critical to better assess their ability to face an increasing browsing pressure. The aim of this study was to determine how deer removal affects the resource allocation to both defensive and growth-related traits in field conditions for three tree species (Abies alba, Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica). Methods-We compared eight pairs of fenced-unfenced plots to contrast plots with and without browsing pressure. The pairs were set up in 2005 and 2014 to compare different fencing duration. We measured leaf and shoot traits related to the defence against herbivores (phenolic content, structural resistance, C:N ratio) and to the investment in plants' growth and productivity (specific leaf area and nutrient content). Key results-For the three species, the structural resistance of leaves and shoots was negatively correlated with SLA, nutrient content and phenolic content. For Abies alba, exclusion of deer decreased shoot structural resistance in favour of higher nutrient content, SLA and phenolic content. The fencing duration had no effect on the different measured traits. Conclusions-Our results support the assumption of a trade-off between structural defence and growth-related traits at the intraspecific scale for the three studied species. We also confirmed the hypothesis that exposure to deer browsing is involved in the resource allocation of woody species. For Abies alba, fencing led to a change in resource allocation from structural defence to growth-related traits and chemical defence.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Julien Barrere) 09 Dec 2019

  • [hal-03328388] Un outil en ligne pour accompagner le choix des essences forestières dans un contexte de changement climatique.


    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Sophie Bertin) 30 Aug 2021

  • [hal-02320571] Quelle pertinence du modèle diversité-productivité-perturbations pour analyser l’influence des pratiques agricoles sur la diversité des prairies permanentes du Massif central ?

    Un modèle a été réalisé pour évaluer l’impact des pratiques agricoles sur la diversité des prairies. Pour tester les prédictions d’un modèle théorique d’écologie, le modèle d’équilibre dynamique, nous avons suivi 18 prairies permanentes du Massif central aux pédoclimats et modes de gestion variés. Nous avons mis en évidence une diminution de la richesse spécifique liée à l’augmentation de la quantité de biomasse exportée (pâturée ou fauchée) et une diminution de la richesse fonctionnelle liée à l’augmentation de la productivité. Ces effets n’expliquent toutefois qu’une faible part de la variabilité observée entre sites. La quantité de biomasse exportée dépend du nombre de fauches et du chargement animal annuel ; la productivité était avant tout dépendante des précipitations durant la période d’étude, et non de la fertilisation. Nous discutons de l’intérêt et des limites de l’utilisation du modèle pour la gestion de la diversité des prairies.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Rémi Perronne) 18 Oct 2019

  • [hal-02346487] Precipitation mediates sap flux sensitivity to evaporative demand in the neotropics

    Transpiration in humid tropical forests modulates the global water cycle and is a key driver of climate regulation. Yet, our understanding of how tropical trees regulate sap flux in response to climate variability remains elusive. With a progressively warming climate, atmospheric evaporative demand [i.e., vapor pressure deficit (VPD)] will be increasingly important for plant functioning, becoming the major control of plant water use in the twenty-first century. Using measurements in 34 tree species at seven sites across a precipitation gradient in the neotropics, we determined how the maximum sap flux velocity (vmax) and the VPD threshold at which vmax is reached (VPDmax) vary with precipitation regime [mean annual precipitation (MAP); seasonal drought intensity (PDRY)] and two functional traits related to foliar and wood economics spectra [leaf mass per area (LMA); wood specific gravity (WSG)]. We show that, even though vmax is highly variable within sites, it follows a negative trend in response to increasing MAP and PDRY across sites. LMA and WSG exerted little effect on vmax and VPDmax, suggesting that these widely used functional traits provide limited explanatory power of dynamic plant responses to environmental variation within hyper-diverse forests. This study demonstrates that long-term precipitation plays an important role in the sap flux response of humid tropical forests to VPD. Our findings suggest that under higher evaporative demand, trees growing in wetter environments in humid tropical regions may be subjected to reduced water exchange with the atmosphere relative to trees growing in drier climates.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Charlotte Grossiord) 17 Aug 2024

  • [hal-02052715] Compositional response of Amazon forests to climate change

    Most of the planet's diversity is concentrated in the tropics, which includes many regions undergoing rapid climate change. Yet, while climate-induced biodiversity changes are widely documented elsewhere, few studies have addressed this issue for lowland tropical ecosystems. Here we investigate whether the floristic and functional composition of intact lowland Amazonian forests have been changing by evaluating records from 106 long-term inventory plots spanning 30 years. We analyse three traits that have been hypothesized to respond to different environmental drivers (increase in moisture stress and atmospheric CO2 concentrations): maximum tree size, biogeographic water-deficit affiliation and wood density. Tree communities have become increasingly dominated by large-statured taxa, but to date there has been no detectable change in mean wood density or water deficit affiliation at the community level, despite most forest plots having experienced an intensification of the dry season. However, among newly recruited trees, dry-affiliated genera have become more abundant, while the mortality of wet-affiliated genera has increased in those plots where the dry season has intensified most. Thus, a slow shift to a more dry-affiliated Amazonia is underway, with changes in compositional dynamics (recruits and mortality) consistent with climate-change drivers, but yet to significantly impact whole-community composition. The Amazon observational record suggests that the increase in atmospheric CO2 is driving a shift within tree communities to large-statured species and that climate changes to date will impact forest composition, but long generation times of tropical trees mean that biodiversity change is lagging behind climate change.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert) 28 Feb 2019

  • [hal-02154447] First evidences that the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus mobilizes nitrogen and carbon from saprotrophic fungus necromass

    Fungal succession in rotting wood shows a surprising abundance of ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi during the late decomposition stages. To better understand the links between EM fungi and saprotrophic fungi, we investigated the potential capacities of the EM fungus Paxillus involutus to mobilize nutrients from necromass of Postia placenta, a wood rot fungus, and to transfer these elements to its host tree. In this aim, we used pure cultures of P. involutus in the presence of labelled Postia necromass (15N/13C) as nutrient source, and a monoxenic mycorrhized pine experiment composed of labelled Postia necromass and P. involutus culture in interaction with pine seedlings. The isotopic labelling was measured in both experiments. In pure culture, P. involutus was able to mobilize N, but C as well, from the Postia necromass. In the symbiotic interaction experiment, we measured high 15N enrichments in all plant and fungal compartments. Interestingly, 13C remains mainly in the mycelium and mycorrhizas, demonstrating that the EM fungus transferred essentially N from the necromass to the tree. These observations reveal that fungal organic matter could represent a significant N source for EM fungi and trees, but also a C source for mycorrhizal fungi, including in symbiotic lifestyle.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Emila Akroume) 12 Jun 2019

  • [hal-02356964] Alpha diversity of vascular plants in European forests

    Aim. The former continental‐scale studies modelled coarse‐grained plant species‐richness patterns (gamma diversity). Here we aim to refine this information for European forests by (a) modelling the number of vascular plant species that co‐occur in local communities (alpha diversity) within spatial units of 400 m2; and (b) assessing the factors likely determining the observed spatial patterns in alpha diversity. Location. Europe roughly within 12°W–30°E and 35–60°N. Taxon. Vascular plants. Methods. The numbers of co‐occurring vascular plant species were counted in 73,134 georeferenced vegetation plots. Each plot was classified by an expert system into deciduous broadleaf, coniferous or sclerophyllous forest. Random Forest models were used to map and explain spatial patterns in alpha diversity for each forest type separately using 19 environmental, land‐use and historical variables. Results. Our models explained from 51.0% to 70.9% of the variation in forest alpha diversity. The modelled alpha‐diversity pattern was dominated by a marked gradient from species‐poor north‐western to species‐rich south‐eastern Europe. The most prominent richness hotspots were identified in the Calcareous Alps and adjacent north‐western Dinarides, the Carpathian foothills in Romania and the Western Carpathians in Slovakia. Energy‐related factors, bedrock types and terrain ruggedness were identified as the main variables underlying the observed richness patterns. Alpha diversity increases especially with temperature seasonality in deciduous broadleaf forests, on limestone bedrock in coniferous forests and in areas with low annual actual evapotranspiration in sclerophyllous forests. Main conclusions. We provide the first predictive maps and analyses of environmental factors driving the alpha diversity of vascular plants across European forests. Such information is important for the general understanding of European biodiversity. This study also demonstrates a high potential of vegetation‐plot databases as sources for robust estimation of the number of vascular plant species that co‐occur at fine spatial grains across large areas.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Martin Večeřa) 18 Nov 2019

  • [hal-02625305] Chilling and forcing temperatures interact to predict the onset of wood formation in Northern Hemisphere conifers

    The phenology of wood formation is a critical process to consider for predicting how trees from the temperate and boreal zones may react to climate change. Compared to leaf phenology, however, the determinism of wood phenology is still poorly known. Here, we compared for the first time three alternative ecophysiological model classes (threshold models, heat-sum models and chilling-influenced heat-sum models) and an empirical model in their ability to predict the starting date of xylem cell enlargement in spring, for four major Northern Hemisphere conifers (Larix decidua, Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies and Picea mariana). We fitted models with Bayesian inference to wood phenological data collected for 220 site-years over Europe and Canada. The chilling-influenced heat-sum model received most support for all the four studied species, predicting validation data with a 7.7-day error, which is within one day of the observed data resolution. We conclude that both chilling and forcing temperatures determine the onset of wood formation in Northern Hemisphere conifers. Importantly, the chilling-influenced heat-sum model showed virtually no spatial bias whichever the species, despite the large environmental gradients considered. This suggests that the spring onset of wood formation is far less affected by local adaptation than by environmentally driven plasticity. In a context of climate change, we therefore expect rising winter-spring temperature to exert ambivalent effects on the spring onset of wood formation, tending to hasten it through the accumulation of forcing temperature, but imposing a higher forcing temperature requirement through the lower accumulation of chilling.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Nicolas Delpierre) 04 Apr 2024

  • [hal-02501278] Wood formation and tree adaptation to climate

    This special issue of Annals of Forest Science compiles ten papers on “Wood formation and tree adaptation to climate”, which were presented at “Le Studium” International Conference in May 2018 in Orléans (France). These papers present observational, experimental and modelling studies investigating the influence of climatic changes on tree growth from the hour to the century, and from the cell to the landscape

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Cyrille Rathgeber) 06 Mar 2020

  • [hal-02168619] Nondestructive and Fast Vibration Phenotyping of Plants

    The frequencies of free oscillations of plants, or plant parts, depend on their geometries, stiffnesses, and masses. Besides direct biomechanical interest, free frequencies also provide insights into plant properties that can usually only be measured destructively or with low-throughput techniques (e.g., change in mass, tissue density, or stiffness over development or with stresses). We propose here a new high-throughput method based on the noncontact measurements of the free frequencies of the standing plant. The plant is excited by short air pulses (typically 100 ms). The resulting motion is recorded by a high speed video camera (100 fps) and processed using fast space and time correlation algorithms. In less than a minute the mechanical behavior of the plant is tested over several directions. The performance and versatility of this method has been tested in three contrasted species: tobacco (Nicotiana benthamian), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and poplar (Populus sp.), for a total of more than 4000 data points. In tobacco we show that water stress decreased the free frequency by 15%. In wheat we could detect variations of less than 1 g in the mass of spikes. In poplar we could measure frequencies of both the whole stem and leaves. The work provides insight into new potential directions for development of phenotyping.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Emmanuel de Langre) 28 Jun 2019

  • [hal-02948737] Modeling the impact of liana infestation on the demography and carbon cycle of tropical forests

    There is mounting empirical evidence that lianas affect the carbon cycle of tropical forests. However, no single vegetation model takes into account this growth form, although such efforts could greatly improve the predictions of carbon dynamics in tropical forests. In this study, we incorporated a novel mechanistic representation of lianas in a dynamic global vegetation model (the Ecosystem Demography Model). We developed a liana-specific plant functional type and mechanisms representing liana-tree interactions (such as light competition, liana-specific allometries, and attachment to host trees) and parameterized them according to a comprehensive literature meta-analysis. We tested the model for an old-growth forest (Paracou, French Guiana) and a secondary forest (Gigante Peninsula, Panama). The resulting model simulations captured many features of the two forests characterized by different levels of liana infestation as revealed by a systematic comparison of the model outputs with empirical data, including local census data from forest inventories, eddy flux tower data, and terrestrial laser scanner-derived forest vertical structure. The inclusion of lianas in the simulations reduced the secondary forest net productivity by up to 0.46 t(C) ha(-1) year(-1), which corresponds to a limited relative reduction of 2.6% in comparison with a reference simulation without lianas. However, this resulted in significantly reduced accumulated above-ground biomass after 70 years of regrowth by up to 20 t(C)/ha (19% of the reference simulation). Ultimately, the simulated negative impact of lianas on the total biomass was almost completely cancelled out when the forest reached an old-growth successional stage. Our findings suggest that lianas negatively influence the forest potential carbon sink strength, especially for young, disturbed, liana-rich sites. In light of the critical role that lianas play in the profound changes currently experienced by tropical forests, this new model provides a robust numerical tool to forecast the impact of lianas on tropical forest carbon sinks.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Manfredo Porcia E Brugnera) 25 Sep 2020

  • [hal-02626083] Genetic differentiation in functional traits among European sessile oak populations

    The vulnerability of forest species and tree populations to climate change is related to the exposure of the ecosystem to extreme climatic conditions and to the adaptive capacity of the population to cope with those conditions. Adaptive capacity is a relatively under-researched topic within the forest science community and there is an urgent need to understand to what extent particular combinations of traits have been shaped by natural selection under climatic gradients, potentially resulting in adaptive multi-trait associations. Thus, our aim was to quantify genetic variation in several leaf and woody traits that may contribute to multi-trait associations in which intraspecific variation could represent a source for species adaptation to climate change. A multi-trait approach was performed using nine Quercus petraea provenances originating from different locations that cover most of the species' distribution range over Europe and that were grown in a common garden. Multiple adaptive differences were observed between oak provenances but also some evolutionary stasis. Also, our results revealed higher genetic differentiation in traits related to phenology and growth than in those related to xylem anatomy, physiology and hydraulics for which no genetic differentiation was observed. The multiple associations between those traits and climate variables resulting from multivariate and path analyses suggest a multi-trait association largely involving phenological and growth traits for Quercus petraea. © The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Jose Manuel Torres Ruiz) 26 May 2020

  • [hal-02154562] CarDen: A software for fast measurement of wood density on increment cores by CT scanning

    Increment cores are often used in wood science for measuring wood density of trees non destructively and at large scale, for instance with the objective to assess the available biomass in a forest resource. This paper presents a software allowing to measure by X-ray computed tomography (CT) the wood density of thousands increment cores. The software is able to process 3000 cores per hour semi-automatically. Manual intervention may be required to control and eventually adjust the positioning of the cores. The software was tested on 30 trees from 13 temperate species. Two increment cores were taken from each tree: one 5 mm diameter core and one 4 mm diameter core. The obtained CT density of the cores was compared to reference data obtained by volume and mass measurement on the 5 mm cores. The reference data were used for tuning the software settings by leave-one-out cross validation method. The obtained root mean square error was below 10 kg/m3 (1.7%) for the 5 mm cores. For the 4 mm cores, the root mean square difference with the reference density of the 5 mm cores was 25 kg/m(3) (4.2%).

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Philippe Jacquin) 12 Jun 2019

  • [hal-02628122] Size-density trajectories for even-aged sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) and common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands revealing similarities and differences in the mortality process

    Key message We studied the size-density trajectories of pure even-aged unthinned experimental sessile oak ( Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) stands in the ranges of 994–135,555 trees per hectare initial densities, observed from the ages of 5 to 38. We compared them to unthinned beech ( Fagus sylvatica L.) stands from the same experimental area. An original piecewise polynomial function was fitted to the trajectories, giving way to various applications. For each species, the initial number of trees per hectare ( N 0 ) and the mean girth at breast height at the onset of mortality (Cg 0 ) were parameters of the trajectory model, in addition to the parameters of the maximum size-density lines. The two former parameters (Cg 0, N 0 ) were tied by a linear relationship, which allowed the prediction of trajectories for initial densities not included in the study data. For oak and beech, mortality onset occurred at a constant relative density (RDI), for all initial stand densities, respectively, 0.35 and 0.29. The comparison of the size-density trajectories of oak and beech allowed to establish that oak needs more space than beech for comparable mean girth, and then is less efficient than beech in its space requirements. Context This paper models the size-density trajectories of pure even-aged sessile oak stands, including the early development stage. It compares the oak results with those on common beech on the same site from a previous study. Aims A novel approach to size-density trajectories, with an original polynomial piecewise function previously used for beech stands on the same site, was satisfactorily used again as a mortality model to provide references to managers of oak forests. Material and methods A 38-year-old oak spacing trial, re-measured from year 5 to year 38, provided the opportunity to study the size-density trajectories of unthinned stands of this species. Results The fit of the piecewise polynomial function allowed us to estimate the parameters of the size-density trajectories of all stands, which were the initial number of trees per hectare (N0) and the mean girth at breast height at the onset of mortality (Cg0), in addition to the intercept (a) and slope (b) of the maximum size-density line. A linear relationship between Ln(N0) and Ln(Cg0) (where Ln is the Neperian logarithm) allowed us to reduce the number of parameters needed to fit the trajectories and made it possible to predict a size-density trajectory from any initial density not observed in the experimental stands. Moreover, this later line appeared to be parallel to the maximum size-density line, and new data allowed to establish that this was also the case for the beech stands on the same site. This parallelism feature translates to the onset of mortality occurring at the same relative density for stands of every initial density that is 0.35 for oak and 0.29 for beech. Conclusion Given the parameters of the maximum size-density line, a single-parameter function family could be used to predict the size-density trajectories of oak stands. The predicted trajectories have various applications in oak silviculture and growth simulators. The oak data and new data for beech stands on the same site allowed to compare the two species and draw conclusions on similitudes and differences concerning mortality and space requirements of both species.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Francois Ningre) 27 May 2020

  • [hal-02177354] New insights into black truffle biology

    According to isotopic labeling experiments, most of the carbon used by truffle (Tuber sp.) fruiting bodies to develop underground is provided by host trees, suggesting that trees and truffles are physically connected. However, such physical link between trees and truffle fruiting bodies has never been observed. We discovered fruiting bodies of Tuber aestivum adhering to the walls of a belowground quarry and we took advantage of this unique situation to analyze the physical structure that supported these fruiting bodies in the open air. Observation of transversal sections of the attachment structure indicated that it was organized in ducts made of gleba-like tissue and connected to a network of hyphae traveling across soil particles. Only one mating type was detected by PCR in the gleba and in the attachment structure, suggesting that these two organs are from maternal origin, leaving open the question of the location of the opposite paternal mating type.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Aurélie Deveau) 08 Jul 2019

  • [hal-02263853] Annotation data about multi criteria assessment methods used in the agri-food research: The French national institute for agricultural research (INRA) experience

    This data article contains annotation data characterizing MultiCriteria Assessment (MCA) Methods proposed in the agri-food sector by researchers from INRA, Europe's largest agricultural research institute (INRA, http://institut.inra.fr/en). MCA can be used to assess and compare agricultural and food systems, and support multi-actor decision making and design of innovative systems for crop production, animal production and processing of agricultural products. These data are stored in a public repository managed by INRA (https://data.inra.fr/; https://doi.org/10.15454/WB51LL).

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Geneviève Gésan-Guiziou) 05 Aug 2019

  • [hal-02118719] The influence of veneer thickness and knot proportion on the mechanical properties of laminated veneer lumber (LVL) made from secondary quality hardwood

    The first objective of this work was to study the influence of veneer quality on the mechanical properties of laminated veneer lumber (LVL) made of secondary quality hardwood. The second objective was to propose an adapted veneer thickness that provides the optimum mechanical properties of LVL, taking the veneer properties into account. Forty-eight LVL panels glued together using polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) were prepared. The quality of fresh veneers was assessed by measuring veneer knot proportion, lathe check depth and lathe check interval. The static modulus of elasticity (MOE), dynamic MOE, modulus of rupture (MOR) and shear modulus were measured using destructive and non-destructive methods. The 3 mm thick veneer provided the optimum mechanical properties for LVL for both species. The test direction did not have any significant influence on the mechanical properties. In the flatwise direction, the average MOE values obtained were 13.2 GPa for beech LVL and 13.3 GPa for oak LVL, whereas the MOR was 72.0 MPa and 63.4 MPa, respectively. Increasing knot proportion in veneers results in a decrease in LVL MOE and MOR. Moreover, deeper lathe checks and higher lathe check intervals on veneer surfaces provide lower LVL shear modulus in the edgewise direction for both species. Internal veneer provides LVL with a higher density but weaker mechanical properties due to a higher knot proportion in the internal veneer.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Citra Yanto Ciki Purba) 03 May 2019

  • [hal-02311392] The functional trait spectrum of European temperate grasslands

    Questions What is the functional trait variation of European temperate grasslands and how does this reflect global patterns of plant form and function? Do habitat specialists show trait differentiation across habitat types? Location Europe. Methods We compiled 18 regeneration and non-regeneration traits for a continental species pool consisting of 645 species frequent in five grassland types. These grassland types are widely distributed in Europe but differentiated by altitude, soil bedrock and traditional long-term management and disturbance regimes. We evaluated the multivariate trait space of this entire species pool and compared multi-trait variation and mean trait values of habitat specialists grouped by grassland type. Results The first dimension of the trait space accounted for 23% of variation and reflected a gradient between fast-growing and slow-growing plants. Plant height and SLA contributed to both the first and second ordination axes. Regeneration traits mainly contributed to the second and following dimensions to explain 56% of variation across the first five axes. Habitat specialists showed functional differences between grassland types mainly through non-regeneration traits. Conclusions The trait spectrum of plants dominating European temperate grasslands is primarily explained by growth strategies which are analogous to the trait variation observed at the global scale, and secondly by regeneration strategies. Functional differentiation of habitat specialists across grassland types is mainly related to environmental filtering linked with altitude and disturbance. This filtering pattern is mainly observed in non-regeneration traits, while most regeneration traits demonstrate multiple strategies within the same habitat type.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Emma Ladouceur) 26 May 2020

  • [hal-02436352] Single-image photogrammetry for deriving tree architectural traits in mature forest stands: a comparison with terrestrial laser scanning

    We compared two methods for detailed individual tree measurements: single image photogrammetry (SIP), a simplified, low-cost method, and the state-of-the-art terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). Our results provide evidence that SIP can be successfully applied to obtain accurate tree architectural traits in mature forests.ContextTree crown variables are necessary in forest modelling; however, they are time consuming to measure directly, and they are measured in many different ways. We compare two methods to obtain crown variables: laser-based and image-based. TLS is an advanced technology for three-dimensional data acquisition; SIP is a simplified, low-cost method.AimsTo elucidate differences between the methods, and validate SIP accuracy and usefulness for forest research, we investigated if (1) SIP and TLS measurements are in agreement in terms of the most widely used tree characteristics; (2) differences between the SIP traits and their TLS counterparts are constant throughout tree density and species composition; (3) tree architectural traits obtained with SIP explain differences in laser-based crown projection area (CPA), under different forest densities and stand compositions; and (4) CPA modelled with SIP variables is more accurate than CPA obtained with stem diameter-based allometric models. We also examined the correspondence between local tree densities extracted from images and from field measurements.MethodsWe compared TLS and SIP in a temperate pure sessile oak and mixed with Scots pine stands, in the Orléans Forest, France. Standard major axis regression was used to establish relations between laser-based and image-based tree height and diameter at breast height. Four SIP-derived traits were compared between the levels of stand density and species composition with a t test, in terms of deviations and biases to their TLS counterparts. We created a set of linear and linear mixed models (LMMs) of CPATLS, with SIP variables. Both laser-based and image-based stem diameters were used to estimate CPA with the published allometric equations; the results were then compared with the best predictive LMM, in terms of similarity with CPATLS measurement. Local tree density extracted from images was compared with field measurements in terms of basic statistics and correlation. ResultsTree height and diameter at breast height were reliably represented by SIP (Pearson correlation coefficients r = 0.92 and 0.97, respectively). SIP measurements were affected by the stand composition factor; tree height attained higher mean absolute deviation (1.09 m) in mixed stands, compared to TLS, than in pure stands (0.66 m); crown width was more negatively biased in mixed stands (− 0.79 m), than in pure stands (− 0.05 m); and diameter at breast height and crown asymmetry were found unaffected. Crown width and mean branch angle were key SIP explanatory variables to predict CPATLS. The model was approximately 2-fold more accurate than the CPA allometric estimations with both laser-based and image-based stem diameters. SIP-derived local tree density was similar to the field-measured density in terms of mean and standard deviation (9.6 (3.5) and 9.4 (3.6) trees per plot, respectively); the correlation between both density measures was significantly positive (r = 0.76).ConclusionSIP-derived variables, such as crown width, mean branch angle, branch thickness, and crown asymmetry, were useful to explain tree architectural differences under different densities and stand compositions and may be implemented in many forest research applications. SIP may also provide a coarse measure of local competition, in terms of number of neighbouring trees. Our study provides the first test in mature forest stands, for SIP compared with TLS.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Kamil Kędra) 13 Jan 2020

  • [hal-02624939] Using stable isotope approach to quantify pond dam impacts on isotopic niches and assimilation of resources by invertebrates in temporary streams: a case study

    Fishponds built across streams can greatly affect their functioning, especially through loss of ecological continuity but also changes in water availability and trophic resources. Yet, their consequences on communities and stream functioning remain largely understudied. We investigated effects of fishpond dams on the trophic ecology of macroinvertebrate communities in temporary low-order streams using C and N stable isotopes. Food resources and macroinvertebrates were sampled in one upstream and one downstream site of two temporary streams, one stream without (reference stream) versus one with a fishpond (impacted stream) and used for isotopic analyses. Results suggested moderate effects of fishponds on the upstream tributaries. In contrast, at the downstream impacted site, ten times higher macroinvertebrate biomass and modifications in the trophic niches were recorded, likely due to changes in resource availability/quality and dam-related hydrology. By modifying the food sources as well as water fluxes, fishpond dams tend to alter macroinvertebrate communities but also shift the trophic dynamics downstream. This assessment stresses the need for exploring their impacts on food webs and nutrient fluxes at larger downstream distances to better understand their effects before drawing conclusions in regard to their management.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Brian Four) 16 Jun 2022

  • [hal-02629130] Identifying the tree species compositions that maximize ecosystem functioning in European forests

    1. Forest ecosystem functioning generally benefits from higher tree species richness, but variation within richness levels is typically large. This is mostly due to the contrasting performances of communities with different compositions. Evidencebased understanding of composition effects on forest productivity, as well as on multiple other functions will enable forest managers to focus on the selection of species that maximize functioning, rather than on diversity per se. 2. We used a dataset of 30 ecosystem functions measured in stands with different species richness and composition in six European forest types. First, we quantified whether the compositions that maximize annual above-ground wood production (productivity) generally also fulfil the multiple other ecosystem functions (multifunctionality). Then, we quantified the species identity effects and strength of interspecific interactions to identify the “best” and “worst” species composition for multifunctionality. Finally, we evaluated the real-world frequency of occurrence of best and worst mixtures, using harmonized data from multiple national forest inventories. 3. The most productive tree species combinations also tended to express relatively high multifunctionality, although we found a relatively wide range of compositions with high- or low-average multifunctionality for the same level of productivity. Monocultures were distributed among the highest as well as the lowest performing compositions. The variation in functioning between compositions was generally driven by differences in the performance of the component species and, to a lesser extent, by particular interspecific interactions. Finally, we found that the most frequent species compositions in inventory data were monospecific stands and that the most common compositions showed below-average multifunctionality and productivity. 4. Synthesis and applications. Species identity and composition effects are essential to the development of high-performing production systems, for instance in forestry and agriculture. They therefore deserve great attention in the analysis and design of functional biodiversity studies if the aim is to inform ecosystem management. A management focus on tree productivity does not necessarily trade-off against other ecosystem functions; high productivity and multifunctionality can be combined with an informed selection of tree species and species combinations.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Lander Baeten) 27 May 2020

  • [hal-02384184] Les réponses observées des arbres aux variations du climat (croissance, phénologie foliaire et fructification)


    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (François Lebourgeois) 16 Jul 2024

  • [hal-02118104] Are 40 years better than 55 ? An analysis of the reduction of forest rotation to cope with drought events in a Douglas fir stand

    Key message : Reduction of forest rotation is analyzed as a potential adaptation strategy for a Douglas fir stand to cope with drought-induced risk of forest decline. The methodology combines a water balance modeling and an economic approach. Results show that, from an economic perspective, adaptation (immediate or delayed) is always better than the absence of adaptation. Context : Reduction of rotation length emerges as a potential adaptation strategy to cope with climate change. Aim : The study aims to address the reduction of rotation length to deal with the drought-induced risk of forest decline taking a multidisciplinary approach. Methods : We estimate probabilities and impacts of drought events quantified by water balance modeling and we evaluate, from an economic point of view, the reduction of rotation length to cope with the drought-induced risk of forest decline. We compare three different adaptation strategies at the economic level: absence of adaptation, immediate adaptation, and delayed adaptation. Results : Results suggest that immediate reduction of rotation length is associated with the best economic return, followed by delayed adaptation and, finally, by the absence of adaptation. This result is sensitive to the level of timber loss in the event of drought occurrence. If the loss of timber volume is higher than 48%, then delayed adaptation may be preferable to immediate adaptation. Conclusion : Beyond the specificities of the case study, this paper proposes a multidisciplinary approach to address adaptation strategies.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Nathalie Bréda) 06 Apr 2020

  • [hal-02625278] The effect of stumpage prices on large-area forest growth forecasts based on socio-ecological models

    Forest ecosystems are typical examples of socio-ecological systems. However, in terms of modelling, the social aspect has been given far less attention than the ecological aspect. In this study, we modelled the impact of eco- nomic and social factors on the occurrence of harvesting. This harvest model was then integrated into an individual- based model of forest growth designed for large-area forec asts. The resulting s ocio-ecological model was then used to produce volume predictions for two regions of France. Among the economic factors, the annual stumpage prices in interaction with the species proved to be a signi fi cant predictor of harvest occurrence. Simulating different stum- page price evolutions made it possible to predict supply curves for the two regions. Projections until 2060 showed that increases in stumpage prices will be detrimental to st anding volumes in both regions. Integrating the demand for wood products into such socio-ecological models in forestry would be a major improvement.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Mathieu Fortin) 26 May 2020

  • [hal-02372828] Soil N2O, CH4, and CO2 Fluxes in Forest, Grassland, and Tillage/No-Tillage Croplands in French Guiana (Amazonia)

    The agricultural landscape of French Guiana (Amazonia) is expected to undergo substantial change as a result of rapid population growth in the region. Such changes in the landscape will lead to the conversion of tropical forests into land destined for agricultural use. Little information is available on the effect of different agricultural systems on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in French Guiana. For our experiment, two hectares of forest were cleared, without the use of fire, at the Combi experimental site (sandy-clayey Ferralsol) at the end of 2008. After one year with legume and grass cover, the site was modified to include the following three fertilized agricultural systems: (1) Grassland (Brachiaria ruziziensis, mowed), (2) cropland (maize/soybean rotation) with disc tillage, and (3) cropland (maize/soybean rotation) with no-tillage in direct seeding. Soil N2O, CH4, and CO2 fluxes were measured with dark chambers from May 2011 to November 2014. Our results show that grassland was a significantly lower emitter of N2O but a significantly higher emitter of CH4 compared to the two cropland systems studied. We did not observe significant differences between the two cropland systems for N2O and CH4 fluxes. Measurements of the net ecosystem CO2 exchange would be useful to better compare the role of different agricultural systems as a source of GHGs.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Caroline Petitjean) 26 May 2020

  • [hal-02622295] Massive postglacial gene flow between European white oaks uncovered genes underlying species barriers

    Oaks are dominant forest tree species widely distributed across the Northern Hemisphere, where they constitute natural resources of economic, ecological, social and historical value. Hybridisation and adaptive introgression have long been thought to be major drivers of their ecological success. Therefore, the maintenance of species barriers remains a key question, given the extent of interspecific gene flow. In this study, we made use of the tremendous genetic variation among four European white oak species (31 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)) to infer the evolutionary history of these species, study patterns of genetic differentiation and identify reproductive barriers. We first analysed the ecological and historical relationships among these species and inferred a long-term strict isolation followed by a recent and extensive postglacial contact using approximate Bayesian computation. Assuming this demographic scenario, we then performed backward simulations to generate the expected distributions of differentiation under neutrality to scan their genomes for reproductive barriers. We finally identified important intrinsic and ecological functions driving the reproductive isolation. We discussed the importance of identifying the genetic basis for the ecological preferences between these oak species and its implications for the renewal of European forests under global warming.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Thibault Leroy) 07 Dec 2023

  • [hal-02184243] Geographical adaptation prevails over species-specific determinism in trees' vulnerability to climate change at Mediterranean rear-edge forests

    Climate change may reduce forest growth and increase forest mortality, which is connected to high carbon costs through reductions in gross primary production and net ecosystem exchange. Yet, the spatiotemporal patterns of vulnerability to both short-term extreme events and gradual environmental changes are quite uncertain across the species' limits of tolerance to dryness. Such information is fundamental for defining ecologically relevant upper limits of species tolerance to drought and, hence, to predict the risk of increased forest mortality and shifts in species composition. We investigate here to what extent the impact of short- and long-term environmental changes determines vulnerability to climate change of three evergreen conifers (Scots pine, silver fir, Norway spruce) and two deciduous hardwoods (European beech, sessile oak) tree species at their southernmost limits of distribution in the Mediterranean Basin. Finally, we simulated future forest growth under RCP 2.6 and 8.5 emission scenarios using a multispecies generalized linear mixed model. Our analysis provides four key insights into the patterns of species' vulnerability to climate change. First, site climatic marginality was significantly linked to the growth trends: increasing growth was related to less climatically limited sites. Second, estimated species-specific vulnerability did not match their a priori rank in drought tolerance: Scots pine and beech seem to be the most vulnerable species among those studied despite their contrasting physiologies. Third, adaptation to site conditions prevails over species-specific determinism in forest response to climate change. And fourth, regional differences in forests vulnerability to climate change across the Mediterranean Basin are linked to the influence of summer atmospheric circulation patterns, which are not correctly represented in global climate models. Thus, projections of forest performance should reconsider the traditional classification of tree species in functional types and critically evaluate the fine-scale limitations of the climate data generated by global climate models.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Isabel Dorado-Liñán) 15 Jul 2019

  • [hal-02625058] Quantifying intra-annual dynamics of carbon sequestration in the forming wood: a novel histologic approach

    Key message This study presents a novel histologic approach to quantify the intra-annual dynamics of carbon sequestration in forming wood. This innovative approach, based on repeated measurements of xylem apparent density, is more direct, and more accurate than the previously published cellular-based approach. Moreover, this new approach, which was tested here on softwoods, is also applicable to hardwoods without any modification. Context Forest ecosystems are key players of the terrestrial carbon cycle. Indeed, wood represents the principal carbon pool of terrestrial biomass, accumulated in trees through cambial activity. Aims Here, we present a novel, simple, and fast approach to accurately estimate the intra-annual dynamics of aboveground woody biomass production based on image analysis of forming xylem sections. Methods During the 2015 growing season, we weekly collected wood samples (microcores) containing the forming xylem on seven Norway spruces (Picea abies (L.) Karst), grown in Hesse forest (North-East France). The microcores were prepared to allow the observation of the forming tissues with an optical microscope. Xylem apparent density and radial increment were then measured directly on images of the histological sections. In order to compare our “histologic approach” with the previously published “cellular approach,” we also counted the number of tracheids in each differentiation zones, and measured the tracheid dimensions all along the last-formed tree ring. Results The two approaches yielded comparable meaningful results, describing xylem size increase and aboveground woody biomass production as bell-shaped curves culminating in May and June respectively. However, the histologic approach provided a shorter time lag between xylem size increase and biomass production than the cellular one. Conclusion Better quantification of the shift between stem growth in size and in biomass will require addressing the knowledge gap regarding lignin deposition kinetics. Nevertheless, our novel histologic approach is simpler and more direct than the cellular one, and may open the way to a first quantification of intra-annual dynamics of woody biomass production in angiosperms, where the cellular approach is hardly applicable.

    ano.nymous@ccsd.cnrs.fr.invalid (Anjy Nandrianina Andrianantenaina) 26 May 2020
